The flower garden lies below. 花圃在底下。(修饰动词)
The office is below. 办公室在底下。(作表语)
I heard someone singing in the room below. 我闻声有人在底下的房间里唱歌。(作定语,后置)
Please do the exercises below. 请做底下的练习。(作定语,后置)
Please write your name below the line. 请把你的名字写在这条线的底下。(表现地点)
They passed below the bridge. 他们在桥的底下经过。(表现地点)
Children below ten should not see this film. 10岁以下的儿童不应看这部影戏。(表现数)
He is below her in ability. 在才能方面,他不如她。(表现才能)
I am below him in school. 我的年级比他低。(表现品级)
from below意为“从底下”。
Someone is calling you from below. 有人在底下叫你。
He is standing under a tree. 他正站在一棵树下。(作状语)
She studies piano under her teacher. 她在教师的引导放学钢琴。(作状语)
He sold the bike under 100 yuan. 他以低于100元的价格把自行车卖了。(作状语)
The plan is still under discussion. 这项方案仍在讨论之中。(作表语)
These books are for children under ten years of age. 这些书合适10岁以下的儿童阅读。(作定语)
She laid her clothes in the sun. 她把衣服放在阳光下晒晒。
They are sitting in the moonlight. 他们在月光下坐着。
Some children are playing in the shade. 一些儿童在树荫下游玩。
She is doing her homework in the lamplight. 她在灯下造作业。
From the hill,we can see a river below us. 从这座小山上,我们能望见底下的一条河。
There is a cat under the chair. 椅子底下有一只猫。
a boat under the bridge 桥底下的一条船
a boat below the bridge 桥卑劣的一条船
4. beneath的反义词是on,指在某物的正下方,并与之交往。
She put some books beneath the pillow. 她把一些书放在枕头底下。
The earth felt soft beneath our feet. 我们以为脚下的土十分柔软。
He took a knife from beneath his coat. 他从外套底下拔出一把刀来。
Do you find much growing underneath the snow?你发觉雪的底下有很多植被吗?
A stool is underneath the table. 桌子底下有一张凳子。
under,below和beneath 可用于引申意义。
He is under me. 他是我的下属。
He was below/beneath her in intelligence. 他的智力不如她。
As a scholar,he is far beneath his brother. 作为学者,他比他兄弟差得远。
He was far beneath her socially. 他的社会位置远没有她高。
His accusations are beneath contempt. 他的叱责不以为然。
Lying is beneath him. 他决不会扯谎的。
Such a fellow is beneath my notice. 这种人我不以为然。
see the notes below 见底下的正文 the examples below 底下的例子
She is below/under twenty. 她不到二十岁。