Associationn is a very important part of life. When I talk about association, I'm referring to mental associations made between two different items or ideas. It's the process of forming a connection between two different things. For example, I could associate cats with fuzzy creatures, or I could associate summer with sunshine.
The process of association can be subconscious or conscious, depending on the situation. Subconsciously, my brain is constantly making associations. I can think of countless word associations that come to me, such as associating an apple with a pair of glasses or associating the color red with anger.
On the other hand, conscious association is when I actively think about the association of two things. I might actively decide to associate certain words with certain people, such as associating “kind” with my mom or “playful” with my dad.
Association not only influences our minds but also our behavior. When I remember a certain association, it may trigger a certain emotion or action. For example, I might remember the association of “fire” with “danger” and this could trigger a sense of caution within me, making me walk away from the fire rather than getting closer.
The process of association is something that is constantly occurring within us. It helps us form memories, triggers emotions, and influences our behavior. Our associations are often things we take for granted, so it’s important to be mindful of what we associate with because it can have a lasting effect on us.
