theodora(theodore roosevelt)

Theodore Roosevelt, commonly known as Teddy Roosevelt or simply Theodora, was an American politician and 26th President of the United States. He was born on October 27, 1858 in New York City. Theodora was highly intelligent and determined to pursue his goals. He was a self-made man and read abundantly. He was educated at Harvard University.Theodore Roosevelt was a progressive reformer. He believed that the government should play an active role in improving the lives of its citizens. He actively promoted labor reform and conservation of national resources. His antitrust policy sought to curb monopolies and promote competition. He was a strong advocate for the rights of the working class and was determined to take on the powerful monopolies and trusts.In 1901, Roosevelt became president after William McKinley's assassination. Roosevelt, unlike his predecessor, was determined to take action. He built the foundations for social, environmental and economic reform throughout his time as president. His presidency was marked by commitment to antitrust policy, the conservation of national resources, and the establishment of the National Park System.During his two terms, Roosevelt also investigated and prosecuted many corporations and trusts which had colluded with or contravened the law. He also signed several important acts which sought to protect the economic interests and rights of American workers. For example, he signed the 1902 Elkins Act which introduced fines and jail sentences for railway corporations engaged in rebates.Theodora was a voracious reader, writer and public speaker. He wrote several books on topics ranging from history and autobiographies, to natural history and politics. His most popular piece of work, the autobiography of his experiences in the White House, was published in 1913, the same year he died.Theodore Roosevelt was a great leader and an important figure in American history. His numerous accomplishments and reforms served to shape American society, culture and politics in the 20th century. He was an advocate of progressive change and an immensely popular president. To this day, 'Theodora' remains an iconic figure in American history.





