
The Story of A Love MangaAi is a love manga which first appeared in 1992. It tells the story of two star-crossed lovers, Ai and Shin, as they traverse through life trying to make sense of their feelings for one another and the world around them.The manga starts with Ai following her dreams of becoming a professional photographer in Tokyo. As she takes photos of the city, she slowly starts to fall in love with her subject, the mysterious Shin. Shin, however, is seemingly emotionless, despite the obvious connection between the two.As the story progresses, so do their feelings for each other, yet something still keeps them apart. While trying to tackle their inner demons, they are met with various challenges and struggles. Despite it all, they refuse to give up and eventually find the courage to express their emotions and embrace their love.Ai is a beautiful love story that’s filled with emotion and depth. It beautifully captures the intricacies of the heart and soul, and is a lesson in learning how to truly love and be loved. Not only that, but it teaches the importance of patience, understanding, acceptance, and communication in a relationship.The art in Ai is also stunning, providing a stunning visual experience for readers. Everything from the character designs, to the different backgrounds and settings, to the music, is beautiful and captivating.All in all, Ai is a beautiful and heartfelt manga. With its captivating art and engaging plot, readers are sure to find it enjoyable and moving. It serves as a reminder to all of us; that no matter how hard, complex, or impossible love may seem, it is still worth fighting for.





