1.白璧微瑕:slight flaw in a white jade, Slight blemish in one’s character
3.白发苍苍:white-headed, silver-haired
4.白搭口舌:waste one’s breath, talk in vain
5.白搭心机:rack one’s brains in vain
6.白驹过隙:time passes as quickly as a white pony flashing past a chink, time-flies-life is short
7.白面书生:good-looking young scholar
9.白手发迹:work up from nothing
10.白头偕老:live together to a ripe old age
11.白纸黑字:in black and white
12.百儿八十:about a hundred
13.百步穿杨:shoot an arrow through a willow leaf from a hundred paces away, shoot with infallible precision
14.百尺竿头,更进一步:even if you have climbed a hundred feet up a pole, go still higher; make still better progress, forge further ahead
15.百川归海:all river empty into the sea, all roads lead to Rome, all trends tend in one direction
16.回味无穷:be worth reading a hundred times
17.百端待举:a thousand thing waiting to done,undertaken
18.百步穿杨:shoot with extreme accuracy
19.百废俱兴:all neglected tasks are being undertaken, do a hundred and one things at the same time
20.悲喜交集:a multitude of feeling surge up, all sorts of feelings well up in one’s heart
21.百花齐放,百花怒放:let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend
22.百花齐放,推陈出新:let a hundred flowers blossom and weed through the old to bring forth the new
23.百花争艳:all flowers vying for beauty in full bloom
24.百花怒放:contention of numerous schools of thought in the period of the Spring and Autumn Annals, and of the Warring States
26.千疮百孔:afflicted with all ills, full of ills and troubles, riddle with gaping wounds
27.百口莫辩:difficult to get the truth
28.凤毛麟角:one in a hundred
29.百炼成钢:be toughened and hardened into steel
30.千载难逢:not seen once in a hundred years
31.百年大计:fundamental task crucial for generations to come
32.百年老店:century-old shop
33.百年树人:it takes a hundred years to make education bear fruit
34.大惑不解:remain perplexed despite much though
36.百听不厌:be worth bearing a hundred times
37.百团大战:Hundred Regiment Campaign
39.百闻不如一见:Seeing is believing.
40.百无禁忌:with all taboos in abeyance
41.百无聊赖:very much bored
42.百无一失:nothing can possibly go wrong, there no risk at all
43.百无一是:good for nothing
44.百业冷清:all business declining
46.百用不厌:never get rid of using, worth using a hundred times
47.战无不胜:emerge victorious in every battle
48.百战不殆:fight in a hundred battles with no danger of defeat
49.坚韧不拔:indomitable, dauntless
50.百足之虫,死而不僵:a julid wriggles even after being cut dead, traditional forces die hard, an established family, regime…lingers on though bankrupt