album [??lb?m]
n.①集邮册,相册 ②文选,歌曲选,某音乐家、歌星的专辑
- He looked through the album of old photographs. 他翻阅了装着老照片的相册。
- The photos should belong in an album. 这些照片应该放在相册里。
- The group’s debut album was immediately acclaimed a hip hop classic. 这个组合的首张专辑一经推出便被盛赞为嘻哈乐的经典之作。
- You can make an album with this book. 你可以用这本书做一个集邮册。
- The salesman looked though my album and offered me sixty marks. 谁人倾销员仔细看过我的集邮册,赞同出六十马克。
- If you know how and when the tradition began write it down in your heritage album. 假如你晓得这个传统是何时以及怎样开头的,也在你的族谱上纪录下去吧。
pieces of newspaper album 剪报集
a drawing album 图片本
the singer’s new album 那位歌星的新专辑唱片