1.bleed sb white /dry 榨干某人钱/财产
The ten-year war has bled the country dry.
2.frugal 节俭的,朴素的,花钱少的
squander/?skwɑ:nd?(r) /
挥霍,浪费; 驱散,使散开; 浪荡,漂泊
People are frugal in guarding their personal property; but as soon as it comes to squandering time they are most wasteful of the one thing in which it is right to be stingy,”
how busy, terribly busy, everyone seemed to be, mortal in their fears, immortal in their desires and wasteful of their time.
Modern life, that leisure-squandering, money-hoarding, grindstone-nosing, frippery-buying business, left him exasperated
hoard v,n积聚,秘藏,囤积 ,储藏处
the discovery of a hoard of gold coins
hoard up 囤积(食物,金钱,尤其指不应该囤积时)
families who hoarded up food during the strike
frippery n 便宜而艳俗的衣服,无用的东西
exasperated/ ?g?z?sp?re?t?d/愤怒的,恼怒的 exasperate 使恼怒,激怒,恶化
It exasperates me to hear commments like that.
3.procreate v生育,生殖
Why do we breathe, why do we procreate?
It has made a great contribution to the nation's procreation and the country's prosperity.
4.dismantle v拆开,拆卸,废除,取消
Chris dismantled the bike in five minutes
an election promise to dismantle the existing tax legislation
5.counterpoint 对位法,旋律配合,对应物
It runs in direct counterpoint to what we have planned .
I have used my interviews with parents as a counterpoint to a professional judgement.
6.opportune/ ɑ:p?r?tu:n/(时间)合适的,恰好的,及时的
I waited, hoping for an opportune moment to discuss the possibility of a raise.
7.reticent /?r?t?s?nt/沉默的,有保留的,谨慎的
She's strangely reticent about her son.
reticence n 缄默
8.department store 百货公司
9.write-off n 债务取消,报废项目,报废物
The car was a complete write-off(再也不能开)
This morning was a complete write-off
10.extended family 大家庭
nuclear family 基本家庭,核心家庭
11.steakhouse 牛排餐厅
12.who cut the cheese?谁放屁了
break wind/pass gas 也是放屁的委婉说法,fart 比较粗鲁
Don't hold your pee .
wipe one's bottom 擦屁股(bottom 查了一下有屁股,臀部的意思)
take a shit /make a bowel movement 大便
13.alpha and omega 全部
alpha /'?lf?/ 希腊字母的第一个字母, omega/o??meg?/ 希腊字母的第二个字母
What’s the alpha and omega of affairs?事情的来龙去脉
14.nest n(鸟)巢,窝,庇护所 v筑巢
leave /fly the nest 离开父母,单独居住
Both daughters were ready to fly the nest
nest of thieves/intrigue 贼窝(做很多非法事情的地方,a place where people are secretly doing a lot of illegal or dishonest things)
(intrigue n 密谋,阴谋; 私通,奸情 v 耍阴谋,以谋略达成,激起...的好奇心)
intrigue against 对...耍阴谋
Other people's houses always intrigued her.(激起好奇心)
a nest of tables一套餐桌
15.apple polish v 拍马屁 apple polishing n. apple polisher 怕马屁的人
16.compare notes 交换意见,交换心得
Leading scientists got together in Paris to compare notes on current research.
17.beef n牛肉,牢骚 v抱怨,告发,发牢骚,养,加强
beef about对...发牢骚
They're always beefing about something.
We have both dairy and beef cattle on the farm.注意dairy 的发音,/?deri/美,/?de?ri/英
beef up sth 加强(也指使某物变得更加重要或有趣等)
a beefed-up news story
We need to beef up the bilateral cooperation.
corn beef =corned beef 咸牛肉
(corn 有腌制的意思)
18.data 数据是datum 的复数
不清楚的话,容易以为data 有复数datas 噢
19.antitrust/?nti?tr?st, ??nta?- /反垄断的,不是反信任的
new tougher antitrust laws
an antitrust investigation
20.attorney /??t?:rni/律师,代理人
相当于a lawyer
attorney general 大法官
The fact that he hasn't called should be a _________that he's not interested.(举报,暗示,警告,表明)
His comments were sarcastic ________at the police.(重击,抨击,尖锐的批评)
PhDs are_____________ nowadays.(常见不贵的)
The dress is a__________(便宜货,廉价物)
She said she would wait for me at the ____________(航站楼)
We need someone who can ____________.(直言不讳,实话实说)
I want to __________the model lard when seeing her.(强行喂食)
He is actually a _________(入室盗窃贼), not a ________.(拦路抢劫犯)
It's a country ________by famine.(使痛苦)
The hospital is __________with that university.(附属)
She seemed destinedfor a successful career.(注定的,指定的)
Can you still remember date of purchase?(购买日期)
He is just a hobo who drinks at home every day.(流浪者,无业游民,漂泊者)
Her dress was a knockout .(击昏,摧毁性,迷人的人或物)
I need to attach screen protector to my phone.(屏幕保护膜)
The notes I had brought back were waiting to be distilled into a book.(蒸馏,提取)
We would be grateful if you would reply at your earliest convenience(尽快,尽量快)
Be creative- allow you imagination to run wild.(不受控制,横行; 放肆; 狂妄不羁; 自由泛滥)
That kind of greed makes me puke.(呕吐,作呕)
Her honeymoon seemed a distant memory.(久远的记忆)