art(2023高考英语新高考II卷 熟词生义汇总)

2023高考英语新高考II卷 熟词生义汇总

1.Discover why artists and photographers continue to be drawn to this special place. 了解为什么艺术家和拍照师持续被吸引到这个特别的场合。(阅读了解A)

draw v 吸引,使感兴致

2.Turning soil, pulling weeds, and harvesting cabbage sound like tough work for middle and high school kids.对初高中的孩子们来说,翻土、拔草、收白菜听起来很辛劳。(阅读了解B)

tough adj 艰苦的,辛劳的

3.And at first it is, says Abby Jaramillo, who with another teacher started Urban Sprouts, a school garden program at four low-income schools. 开始是如此的,艾比·哈拉米洛说,她和另一位教师在四所低收开学校兴办了“都市芽”学校花圃项目。(阅读了解B)

start v 倡导,兴办

4.Reading Art: Art for Book Lovers is a celebration of an everyday object — the book, represented here in almost three hundred artworks from museums around the world. 阅读艺术:册本喜好者的艺术是对平常物品的庆祝——这本书,在这里展现了来自天下各地博物馆的近300件艺术品。(阅读了解C)

represent v 展现,刻画

5.Adults are portrayed (刻画) alone in many settings and poses — absorbed in a volume, deep in thought or lost in a moment of leisure.成年人在很多场景和姿势中都被刻画成单独一人——专心致志地看书,堕入沉思,大概沉溺在半晌的休闲中。(阅读了解C)

volume n 书,一册

6.The nature language enhances work performance.天然言语能提高事情绩效。(阅读了解D)

performance n业绩,绩效

7.I suggest using a sketchbook (素描本) for small studies.我发起使用素描本举行小的试画。(七选五)

study n (绘画中的)试画,习作

8.Whether you paint still lifes, portraits, or landscapes, paint from life as much as possible. 无论你画静物、肖像照旧景色画,都要尽约莫地从生存中取材。(七选五)

life n (绘画的)模特,实物 still lifes静物画

9.These small studies provide inspiration and may be a springboard for more complex works in the future.这些小的习作可以提供灵感,并在将来有约莫成为更繁复作品的基本。(七选五)

work n 作品

10.Seeking and accepting constructivefeedback (反应) is crucial to growth. 寻求并承受积极的反应对发展至关紧张。(七选五)

constructive adj 积极的

11.You'll hit roadblocks, and you'll feel discouraged at times.你会碰到停滞,偶尔你会感受气馁。(七选五)

hit v 碰到(困难,成绩等)

12.In April last year, I saw a post on the PNP (Pilots N Paws) website from a family in Topeka. 客岁4月,我在PNP (Pilots N Paws)网站上看到了托皮卡一个家庭的帖子。(完形填空)

post n 帖子 v发帖子

13.George, the husband, was trying to be calm, but I could tell this was hard for him, having to leave his dog to a stranger andtrust that everything would work out.丈夫乔治试着冷静下去,但我看得出来,这对他来说很难,他不得不把狗留给一个生疏人,并希冀统统都市处理的。(完形填空)

tell v看出,推断出 trust v 希冀,渴望

14.When I was in middle school, my social studies teacher asked me to enter a writing contest, I said no without thinking. 当我在中学的时分,我的社会学教师让我到场一个写作比赛,我想都没想就回绝了。(读后续写)

enter v 到场,报名

15.Writing was so difficult and painful for me that my teacher had allowed me to present my paper on the sinking of the Titanic by acting out a play, where I played all the parts.写刁难我来说是云云困难和痛楚,致使于我的教师允许我经过扮演一个脚原本展现我关于泰坦尼克号吞没的论文,我在剧中扮演一切的人物。 (读后续写)

part n 人物



