哪个国家人口最少(People of The Least Populated Country)

People of The Least Populated Country

People of The Least Populated Country

The world is home to a rich tapestry of cultures, people and landscapes. Out of more than 192 recognized countries, the least populated is Vatican City. Located in central Rome, the independent city-state is home to few but influential individuals. Boasting a population of under 1,000 people, the nation of Vatican City is the smallest nation in the world in terms of population.


Officially known as the State of the Vatican City, the pontifical city-state is home to the pope and the governing headquarters of the Catholic Church. Despite its proximity to Italy, Vatican City is an independent country, with its own laws and regulations. The smallest state in the world, measuring in at just 0.17 square miles, it's also the least populated.


As of 2020, the estimated population is just 801 people, making it the least populated country in the world. The citizens are generally of Italian, Swiss and other nationalities. In addition, the Vatican City also has a number of foreign diplomats, foreign workers and members of religious orders who do not actually contribute to the population rate but are nevertheless within the nation’s borders.

Thanks to the influx of tourists, there is after a great contingent of visitors who visit the Vatican City each year. Given that it’s the home of the pope and the headquarters of the Catholic Church, it isn’t uncommon for individuals of the Catholic faith to make pilgrimages.

Government and Politics

Politically, the Vatican City is a theocracy. This means it’s led by a religious figurehead and religious principles as opposed to a democratically or democratically elected government. The pope is both the head of government as well as the head of state. The government also includes a number of officials and cardinals appointed to differing positions on various committees.

In addition to the traditional governing power, the Vatican City also contains the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences. These organizations are focused on studying and evaluating the Vatican’s laws and regulations, while also hosting workshops and conferences related to the Catholic Church.


The Vatican City has no official currency since it's part of the Eurozone. However, its economy mainly revolves around the sale of souvenirs, postcards and other symbolically inspired merchandise featuring the pope and the Vatican City flags. The sale of these items makes up a major part of the independent nation’s budget.

The sale of tickets for various attractions located in the Vatican City complex also contributes to the state's budget. These attractions range from touristic visits to the Sistine Chapel and the Vatican Museums to a range of tours, e.g. the Bible experiences, art tours, coin and stamps exhibitions.


The culture of the Vatican City is heavily influenced by Catholicism and its beliefs. Italian is the main language spoken by the majority of the population, though some citizens can speak French, German, and English. It is a common language for many of the visitors as well. The population also consists of various ethnic groups, as one can expect given its location.

As the governing religious organization of the country, the Catholic Church is the primary source of culture. This can be seen in terms of the food, art, literature, and religious practices throughout the nation.


With its small population, the nation of Vatican City does not have the same influence as other countries in the world. Nevertheless, it remains an important part of the world as the seat of the pope, as well as the headquarters of the Catholic Church. The culture, history and politics of this independent nation-state make it an interesting destination to visit and explore.






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