Electrical device(电气装备)和electronic device(电子装备)之间的主要区别是电气装备将电能转换成其他情势的能量,如热、光、声等,而电子装备控制电子的活动以完成特定的职责。 底下的比力图分析白电气和电气装备之间的其他差别。
电和电子都是互相接洽的。 电是电子的活动,电子学是为了做特定的事情而控制电子活动的武艺。 它们的事情原理是相反的,即使用电能做功。
比力 | Electrical Device | Electronics Device |
界说 | 它被界说为使用电能 举行事情的安装。 | 为完成特定的职责而控制 电子流的安装被称为电子安装。 |
质料 | 像铜和铝如此的金属 被用来传导电流。 | 半导体质料,如硅、锗等。 |
事情 原理 | 把电能转换成其他 情势的能量 | 使用电能来完成特定的职责。 |
电流 | 交换电 | 直流电 |
电压 | 高电压 | 低电压 |
耗电 | 多 | 少 |
控制 | 不运算数据 | 运算数据 |
呼应 | 快 | 慢 |
占据空间 | 多 | 少 |
宁静水平 | 低 | 高 |
用处 | 机器干活. | 扩大信号或解码 |
举例 | 变压器、电动机、 发电机 | 晶体管、二极管、微处理器、 触发器、扩大器等 |
- The electrical device changes the current into another form of energy like heat, light, etc. whereas the electronic device controls the movement of electrons for performing the operation.
- The electrical devices use copper and aluminium wires for the flow of electrical current whereas the electronics devices use the semiconductor material.
- The electrical devices mainly work on the alternating current whereas the electronics device works on the direct current.
- The electrical devices work on high voltages whereas the electronics devices work on low voltages.
- The power consumption of the electrical devices is more as compared to the electronics devices.
- The conductivity of the electrical devices is high whereas it is low for electronics devices.
- The electrical devices do not manipulate the data whereas the electronic devices manipulate the data.
- The electrical device directly works on the current due to which it gives the quick response. The electrons are the only moving charge of the electronic device and hence their response time is less.
电气安装直接对电流事情,因此具有快速呼应才能。 电子是电子装备中唯一挪动的电荷,因此它们的呼应时间更短。
- The electrical device is heavy and larger in size and hence requires more space whereas the electronics components are very smaller and placed on the single chip or we can say it requires very less space.
- The electrical device is more dangerous as compared to the electronic device because in electric devices heavy short circuit occurs because of the fault which is very dangerous for life.
- The fan, transformer, motor, generators are the examples of the electrical device whereas the transistor, thyristor, microcontroller are the examples of the electronics device.