中国的英雄( China's Heroes )


China's Heroes

Throughout its 3000 year history, China has had its share of heroes who have become iconic figures for Chinese people and for the rest of the world. They are not just figures of Chinese mythology or writers who penned classic literature. These are individuals who lived and breathed and impacted society in large and small ways and inspired the generations that followed them.

Qin Shi Huang

The first emperor of a unified China, Qin Shi Huang, is often regarded as one of the most important of China’s heroes. He was born in 260 BC and was able to unify central China in 221 BC. His rule was important on several fronts: he established an empire-wide system of weights and measures and a unified currency, standardized the writing system, built significant works of engineering that still stand today, and instituted a system of law with unified punishments for crimes. In addition, he is the one who began the construction of the Great Wall of China.

Feng Li

Feng Li was one of the central leaders of the Taiping Rebellion, which lasted for fourteen years from 1850 to 1864. This rebellion was a civil war involving religious and social unrest, and Li was one of its principal organizers. Li's reputation rests not only on his heroic deeds, but also on his staunch social beliefs and the principles he stood for—humility, justice, mercy, loyalty, and compassion. He is regarded by many as a national hero, but his name is nearly forgotten in China today.

Deng Xiaoping

Born in 1904 in Guang'an, Sichuan province, Deng Xiaoping was a revolutionary leader and political figure. He is widely regarded as the “chief architect” of the economic reforms that transformed China into the power it is today. Before his death in 1997, Deng Xiaoping had encouraged the modernization and expansion of the Chinese economy, while at the same time maintaining political stability. Deng is considered one of the most influential figures in modern Chinese history, and is celebrated as a hero for his accomplishments.

Liu Hulan

Liu Hulan was a Chinese Communist revolutionary and heroine who created a legacy that has lasted until the present day. In 1947, at the age of 18, Liu joined the North China Bureau of the Communist Youth League and became a leader of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. During the Korean War, she was captured and tortured, and was eventually executed at the age of 21. Despite the shortness of her life, she has become a symbol of freedom and courage, and a reminder to the Chinese people of the value of loyalty and dedication.


In Chinese mythology, Chang’e is the goddess of the Moon. She was originally a mortal woman, but achieved immortality after drinking the elixir of life that was meant for her husband. There are several versions of the story of Chang’e, but in all of them she is represented as a brave and compassionate figure. Her tale is part of the Chinese cultural and political tradition, and she is seen by many Chinese as a symbol of loyalty and perseverance.

These are just a few of the many heroic characters that have become part of Chinese culture and history. They have each made their own contribution in their own way, and as time passes, their legacies will continue to inspire future generations.

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