trait 和 personality 都是“专长”,怎样区分?
trait/tre?t/ n 天性,特点
影象:tract-托,拉,tractor/?tr?kt?(r)/ n 拖沓机,牵引机。拉出来,与其他的人、物品不一样,站在他们前方,你就有特点的!天性突出的!
personality traits 天性特点
These personality traits get passed on from generation to generation(generation,来自generate/?d?en?re?t/ v 产生;天生;gene-基因,基因产生的generation n 一代,一辈)
personality/?p??s??n?l?ti/ n 品行,性情
person/?p??sn/ n 人
personal/?p??s?nl/ a 一局部的,公家的 n 人称代名词;一局部简讯
Her outgoing personality makes her the life of the party.(outgoing a 生动的,相反的词汇 extrovert,introvert 忸怩的)她生动的性情使她成为派对的核心
He has a calm and composed personality, which helps him handle stressful situations.(calm/kɑ?m/ a 冷静冷静的;composed,来自compose v 构成,创作,composed a 平静,没有好办法,记取就可以了)
My sister’s adventurous personality always leads her to seek new experiences.(adventurous a 冒险,冒险精力的,寻求兴奋的,来自 advent,ad-加强,vent-来,加强的来:显现,到来,adventure v/n 冒险,探险。seek v 寻求,search,research同源。experience n /v 履历,履历)
trait 和 personality的区别:
trait则更侧重于形貌人们在某些特定方面的特定特性或倾向,personality 更侧重于形貌一一局部全体的举动形式和共同特性。以为大局部情况下可以互换。
Patience is a valuable trait that helps in dealing with difficult situations.(patience/?pe??ns/ n 耐力,来自patient n 病人 a 有耐心的。situation 来自 situate v 使···位于、坐落于,也就是你身处的情况:情况、情况)
His confident trait allows him to take risks and pursue his goals fearlessly.(rake risks 冒险;pursue v 寻求,pur-pre向前,sue-跟随,sequence n 序列,排序;consequent a 随之而来的,consequence 后果。fearlessly,fear/f??(r)/ v/n 恐惧,恐惧,-less否定,fearless a 无畏的,大胆的)
Being organized is a trait that helps in maintaining efficiency and productivity.(organize v 构造,办理,安插;maintain -tain-拿住,v 维持,坚持。efficiency n 听从,efficient a 有听从的;productivity n 消费率,produce v 消费,product n 产物,production n 消费,制造,productive a 消费的,富有成效的)