feeling(feeling so confused)

Feeling so confused can be both overwhelming and disorienting. On the one hand, confusion can be paralyzing. You may feel like you can’t think straight and it might be impossible to come to a definitive decision. On the other hand, confusion can also be energizing. It can act as a signal that you’re open to learning something new, whether it’s a new skill, idea, or frame of reference.

No matter why you feel confused, it’s important to pay attention to your feelings and understand where the confusion is coming from. Is it from the sheer amount of information you’re trying to take in at once? Is it because you’re battling between two different options?

Once you pinpoint the source of your confusion, actively observe your thoughts and feelings. Notice any patterns or tendencies that are causing your confusion. For example, you might be struggling to make a decision because there are too many details to keep track of.

It’s also important to give yourself the space to be confused, to accept it and work through it. When feeling confused, strive to keep an open and curious attitude instead of panicking or feeling discouraged. Acknowledge that you don’t possess all the knowledge and that you don’t have to have all the answers right away.

The last thing to remember is that feeling confused is a normal part of the learning process. Don’t let it get in the way of exploring all the possibilities. Instead, use it as an opportunity to expand your knowledge and tackle the confusion head on.




