自信是一种非常美妙的感受,它会让你有平静、坚定、稳定的心态。 通常,人们用有信心的语言来形容这种能量,比如“力量”和“说服力”。
只有真正的自信,才能恰如其分地带给我们力量,并帮助我们在社会上独当一面;只有诚实的自信,才能使我们收获道德、文化、技能和智慧,积累实践中的经验,持续发力、发挥作用。Ai: Confidence is an amazing feeling that brings us peace, composure and steadiness. It is often referred to in strong terms like 'power' and 'persuasiveness'
Confidence has two parts: mindset and a well-developed learning system. Mindset is something we can all control, and is the foundation of all abilities. Learning system means actively learning, accumulating knowledge, mastering skills, enhancing abilities - such process takes time and requires honesty in every single learning and practice.
The right kind of confidence is backed up with systematic learning and a good mindset. The utilitarian kind of confidence can be shallow and illusory, appearing only on the surface.
Only genuine confidence will deliver the power appropriately and help us stand out in the society; only honest confidence will bring us moral, cultural, skill and wisdom, gain experience from practice, and continuously motivate us to be effective.
