comparison(comparison trap)

Comparison trap is a situation that occurs when we compare ourselves to others. It’s a situation that causes us to become fed up with our own lives. It’s also one of the forces behind the “keeping up with the Joneses” mentality.

When we become too focused on comparing ourselves to others, and trying to gain the same levels of success, it can make us feel incomplete and inadequate. We can end up feeling that we’re not living up to our potential, or that we’re not as “good” as other people.

This feeling of inadequacy can lead to a range of negative emotions such as envy, jealousy, and low self-esteem. The worst part is, it can become a vicious cycle where moments of achievement are diminished because they’re not enough to “keep up” with other individuals.

In order to avoid the comparison trap, we need to start looking at our own lives in a positive light. We need to stop comparing ourselves to others and start celebrating our own personal achievements. We should focus on our own goals and strive for our own successes, and not be motivated by what other people have.

We also need to realize that there will always be somebody who is further along on their journey than we are. That doesn’t mean that our journey is any less valid or impressive. Everyone has their own paths to follow, and we should be proud of our own accomplishments, regardless of how it compares to other people.

Comparison trap can be a dangerous situation, but it can also be avoided. By taking the time to appreciate our own journey, and celebrating our own successes, we can overcome the temptation to compare ourselves to others.





