


我渴望我们既然辛辛劳苦“学了”英语,就要“学并学好”它,也就是说我们不应该仅仅停留在“用”中文“明白”一句英语They made a pinky swear是中文:他们在做“拉钩悬梁,一百年不许变”的允许。

1) 我们要练习用英语“懂”英语的才能。

1.A pinky swear is also called a pinky promise.A pinky is our little finger.So a pinky swear is a little finger promise.

2.When we make a pinky promise,we lock=we interlock=we hook=we interwine our little finger with the little finger of another person to make a promise,a very serious promise.And we can not break it.We must keep it.

3.When we pinky promise,we'll say: I pinky promise that blablabla.

也就是说,将来你暂且想不起英语a pinky promise时,你最少另有“说”外表英语与人相反的才能。这就是用英语学英语带来的英语交换才能。

2) 英语里有很多表现“允许”的英语表达:

1. I promise (you)=I make a promis (to you).e swear.

When we promise,we tell people that we agree to do something in the future.We mean what we say.Or our word means.

2.I swear.

When we swear,we make a very serious promise.

3.I take an oath=make an oath.

When we take or make an oath,we swear,we promise=make a very formal promise.

4.I cross my fingers

When we cross our fingers,we swear,we promise.

5.We make a pinky promise=I pinky promise you.

3) 听说,pinky promise这种“允许”传统始于日本。日语叫“切指”:语言不算数就要被人把手指切掉。

底下这段英语各位徐徐读,大概在我们日后跟人用英语聊a pinky promise时,可以增长一点英语“谈资”。

From the time you "pinky promised" your best friend on the playground, to the time you "pinky promised" your best friend at the middle school dance, to the time you "pinky promised" your best friend in a bar, did you ever stop to think why intertwining (勾手=interlock,hook) your pinky finger with someone else’s meant so much or where this idea even came from?

It is said that the “pinky promise” or “pinky swear” originated in(劈头于 first came from) Japan where it is known as yubikiri, which means “finger cut-off.”(切指)

This is because in Japan the person that broke the "pinky promise" had to cut off their pinky finger. However, over time the "pinky promise" has become a more casual way of making a promise.

Could you imagine if every time you broke a "pinky promise," you had to cut off your pinky? Eventually, pinkies would go extinct(绝种 do not exist any more). However, if you break a "pinky promise" with your best friend, cutting off your pinky would be the least of your worries. Pinky promises are a binding foundation of trust.




