
”Twelve years old when I realized that thinness is beautiful—not thickness. My childhood determined by a handful of cruel comments, which clung to my waist like a stubborn weed. My grandmother’s womanly figure was never embraced by her slender-figure obsessed daughter, my aunt; instead I was forced to mimic her unnatural ways and stuffing down my own body into something that it would never be.

It was as if I had no control left, not even of my own body. Fearing the judgements of others, I became a prisoner of my own mind. Extrapolating my body image anxieties to my entire identity, I became easily discouraged and gave up on many opportunities quickly.

But when I finally had enough, I made a promise to myself. I resolved to embrace myself for who I am, to be comfortable in my own skin, and to stay true to my real self instead of comparing myself to an exaggerated beauty standard. It was this promise that made me say no to diets that promised transformation, no to “miracle” drugs that changed my alveolar texture and no to sudden changes in habits.

The most difficult part of this process was in the second half; I had to make sure to stay true to the promise of a new-found love for myself. I started by simply accepting my body, and then, slowly but surely, I began to learn how to take care of it in a healthy way—eating healthier food, going to the gym, and avoiding judgment.

Little by little, through my own efforts and a newly formed self-love, I slowly started embracing my body the way it was. It was a liberating experience, this reclamation of my own body, my own being, and myself.

What I’ve come to understand over the years is that there’s no such thing as one standard beauty measure. Thickness, in its different forms in the weight of our body, the fullness of our hair, or the strength of our opinions are beautiful, too. I’ve now become an advocate for thickness, teaching others to embrace themselves and their bodies for who they are.





