
Life is an increasingly precious thing for everyone. I have learned to appreciate it in the most abstract way: by understanding the preciousness of time and experiences. Life is too short to spend it all on regretting our past decisions, or worrying about what is next. Life should be enjoyed, with moments that will never be forgotten.

My biggest inspiration to make the most out of life accruesfrom my grandmother. She is a living example of how life is a miracle and should be treated as one. From her, I have learned the importance of being yourself and embracing your unique qualities. I have also seen how having faith and optimism, even during the toughest of times, can go a long way. Life is a journey of learning and growth, something my grandmother constantly reminds me of.

Life is full of surprises and not all of them are exciting ones, but We must learn from the bad and use them to inform our decisions going forward. When life gives us difficulty, We can find strength in knowing that we can handle whatever comes our way. Life is dynamic and constantly changing, and while it can be difficult to adjust to, the rewards are almost always worth it.

At the end of the day, life is what we make of it. And it is up to us to make the most of it, no matter how unfair the world may be. Life is too fragile and precious to be squandered away without making an effort to make it better. Life should be celebrated and embraced, and I hope I can manage to do that every day.





