
Liang was a kind and gentle girl who had just turned 10 last month. She lived with her uncle and aunt, who were very strict and would not let her go out after it was dark.

One night, Liang's aunt and uncle were out with their friends and had left Liang at home. Liang was very excited, as this was the first time she had been allowed to stay out so late.

Liang decided to take a walk to a nearby park. It was dark, but she was feeling brave and adventurous. She started walking, but before long she heard someone behind her. It was two men, and they were walking towards her with a menacing look on their faces.

Liang was scared, but she continued walking. One of the men grabbed her arm and started dragging her towards a nearby alley. Liang was terrified and started screaming for help, but no one heard her.

Just then, a policeman showed up. He immediately started running towards them and asked the men what they were doing. The men quickly ran away, and the policeman took Liang back home safely.

From that day on, Liang's aunt and uncle made sure to never leave her home alone at night. Liang's uncle even told her about the importance of safety and how she should never put herself in danger.

Even though it was a scary experience, it taught Liang an important lesson that would stay with her for the rest of her life. No matter how brave or adventurous she felt, she knew that her safety was always the most important thing.





