英语说文解字 spoil毁坏,摧残;宠爱,宠坏;善待,分外照顾
spoil英 [sp??l] 美 [sp??l]
v. 毁坏,摧残;宠爱,宠坏;善待,分外照顾;(食品)腐坏,糜烂;使(选票)取消;十分巴望,摩拳擦掌;<古>掳掠(人,场合),打劫
n. 赃物,战利品(the spoils);告捷所带来的利益(spoils);(发掘时挖出的)废土,废土壤
[ 复数 spoils 第三人称奇数 spoils 如今分词 spoiling 已往式 spoilt或spoiled 已往分词 spoilt或spoiled ]
spoil the show 演杂了 ; 煞景色 ; 焚琴煮鹤
spoil ground 废土场 ; 土壤倾倒区 ; 填积区
Spoil Me 宠爱我 ; 宠着我 ; 宠爱我
n.(usually plural) valuables taken by violence (especially in war)"to the victor belong the spoils of the enemy"
the act of spoiling something by causing damage to it"her spoiling my dress was deliberate"
同义词: spoiling spoilage
the act of stripping and taking by force同义词: spoliation spoilation despoilation despoilment despoliation
v.become unfit for consumption or use"the meat must be eaten before it spoils"
同义词: go bad
alter from the original同义词: corrupt
treat with excessive indulgence同义词: pamper featherbed cosset cocker baby coddle mollycoddle indulge
hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of同义词: thwart queer scotch foil cross frustrate baffle bilk
have a strong desire or urge to do something"He is spoiling for a fight"
同义词: itch
destroy and strip of its possession同义词: rape despoil violate plunder
以上去源于: WordNet
spoil /sp??l/ CET4 TEM4 ( spoiling, spoilt, spoils )
1. V-T If you spoil something, you prevent it from being successful or satisfactory. 毁坏; 毁坏
例:It's important not to let mistakes spoil your life.
2. V-T If you spoil children, you give them everything they want or ask for. This is considered to have a bad effect on a child's character. 娇惯
例:Grandparents are often tempted to spoil their grandchildren whenever they come to visit.
3. V-T If you spoil yourself or spoil another person, you give yourself or them something nice as a treat or do something special for them. 犒劳; 厚待
例:Spoil yourself with a new perfume this summer.
4. V-T/V-I If food spoils or if it is spoiled, it is no longer fit to be eaten. 使 (食品) 变坏; (食品) 变坏
例:We all know that fats spoil by becoming rancid.
5. PHRASE If you say that someone is spoiled for choice or spoilt for choice, you mean that they have a great many things of the same type to choose from. (因可选的太多而) 不知作何选择是好 [英国英语]
the spoils of war 战利品
vt. 宠爱;摧残;打劫harry , dote upon
vi. 打劫;变坏;糜烂prey upon , take a turn for the worse
n. 次品;奖品prize , award , inferior
词根: spoil
adj.spoilt 宠坏的;毁坏的
n.spoilage 毁坏,摧残;打劫;毁坏物
spoiler 扰流器;打劫者;毁坏者
v.spoilt 宠坏;毁坏(spoil的已往式及已往分词)
destroy, break, wreck, ruin, spoil, damage
destroy 多指彻底地、扑灭性地毁坏,含招致无用,不克不及或很难再修复的意味。
break 平凡用词,指某物因被冲破或撕破而遭到毁坏,可指有质或没形的毁坏。
wreck 侧重指船只、车辆、衡宇等遭到严峻毁坏或完全毁坏,也可指方案、康健遭到侵害。
ruin 多指因外部缘故而遭到严峻毁坏或扑灭,侧重毁坏的彻底性,也可用于引申意义。
spoil 重申不仅会减弱力气、精力或代价,并且会招致不成制止的扑灭。
damage 多指对无生命物体的侵害,形成低落代价、毁坏功效等后果。
indulge, spoil
Don't spoil the children.
Don't let him spoil your evening.
We all know that fats spoil by becoming rancid.
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