I cannot answer you right now.我不克不及立刻达回复你。He answered the examination paper quite well.他试卷答的相当好。
Please answer my question.请回复我的成绩。He refused to answer the charges against him.他回相对他的控告举行争辩。
I sent in my application, and the university replied immediately.我递交了哀求书,该大学立刻给我回复。He replied that he had caught cold and would not come to the reception.他回复说,他伤风了,以是不克不及分开场招待会。
I asked him several questions, but he did not reply although it seemed tom me that he had been thinking about them seriously.我问他几个成绩,他都没回复,固然我感受他仿佛仔细地思索了这些成绩。
3.必要注意的是:answer后方跟的宾语是telephone、door、bell时,表现的是对这些事物“做出反响”,是一种安稳搭配,即answer the telephone(接电话)、answer the door(开门)、answer the bell(应门)。这里就不克不及用reply。好比:
She answered her phone on the first ring.她在响第一声铃时就接了电话。
reply to 和answer偶尔后方接相反的宾语,从字面上看,它们的意思相反,但实践涵义不太一样。好比:
Did he answer your letter?他回复你的信了吗?
I will reply to his letter at once.我立刻给他复书。
例1中的answer your letter主要侧重写复书,分析已收到来信,复书的内容并不一定紧张。而 reply to his letter则侧反复书的内容,对来信中提到的每一个点都要逐一做出回复,有较强的针对性。再好比:
answer his salute; reply to his salute
answer his salute表现关于他的行礼做出反响,好比摇头、招手、含笑都可以。而 reply to his salute表现以礼相还,也就是说他对你行礼,你也对他敬个礼