
更新时间:2023-07-21 15:14:36 所在栏目: 美容养生点击量:

Extraordinary means something unusual or different from the ordinary. It has two meanings, one of which is extraordinary in a good way and the other is extraordinary in a bad way.

When it comes to extraordinary in a good way, it requires something special. It means going beyond the normal or expected, displaying an exceptional skill or achievement. It involves doing more or doing better than the majority. The exceptional skill it requires could be a physical skill, a creative skill, an academic skill, an entrepreneurial skill, or any other skill deemed significant. It is making a lasting impression due to exceptional performance in relation to others.

On the other hand, extraordinary in a bad way means something that is unpleasant, unexpected, or abnormal. It can also refer to any behavior or act that is extraordinary or beyond the expected. It could be an act that is wrong, immoral, or even illegal. It is displaying skills in a negative way.

In conclusion, extraordinary is a term with different meanings. It could be positive or negative. To be extraordinary in a good way, you must possess special skills or perform exceptional acts, while to be extraordinary in a bad way involves doing something illegal or wrong.

