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barbecue也是雅思白话本季的Part 1新题哦~且看底下的标题:

1. Do Chinese people like barbecue?


2. What kind of food do you like to eat for barbecue?


3. Would you like to have barbecue with your family or your friends?


4. Did you have barbecue when you were a child?




  • to fire up the grill = 直译为“扑灭烤架”,也就是开个烧烤趴

e.g. Why don't you come over this weekend and we'll fire up the grill? 你


  • to grill out, to cook out, to have a cookout = 也是开个烧烤趴

e.g. We had a cookout last weekend on the beach.


  • skewer = 扦子,烤串儿(既可以表现穿烤串儿的扦子,也可以表现穿满了食品的烤串儿)

e.g. We put the vegetables and tofu on a skewer, soaked them in olive oil and threw them on the grill.


  • burn to a crisp = 烤得酥脆适口

e.g. We left the bread on the grill and went to play games. When we came back, they were burnt to a crisp.


  • a fussy eater = 挑食

e.g. I've never been a fussy eater./I've always been a fussy eater.



  • It contains lots of sugars / fat / proteins / additives...


  • I can't resist the temptation of...我无法反抗……的勾引。
  • It gives us a lot of nutrients...它为我们提供了多量养分。
  • Health awareness is growing...康健熟悉在不休增长……
  • It's cheaper/more expensive than regular food...


  • provide a break from our everyday worries



1. Do Chinese people like barbecue?

Absolutely yes. In China, barbecue is widely welcomed by people of all regions. Barbecue is a universally loved way of cooking meat, and it’s often found sizzling away in the streets of China’s biggest cities or in restaurants dedicated to the art of cooking over fire. However, a lot of Chinese barbecue isn’t what people would call barbecue in the West. While westerners think of barbecue in terms of glowing charcoal, wood smoke and cooking outdoors, a lot of what is sold as Chinese barbecue is actually roasted in special ovens, with hanging meat being blasted with dry, hot heat until it's crisp.


  • be welcomed by 受……接待
  • a universally loved way of 一种广受接待的办法
  • sizzling /?s?zl??/ adj. 发射咝咝声
  • dedicate to 努力于
  • cook over fire 火烤
  • westerner /?west?n?(r)/ n. 东方人
  • in terms of 就……而言
  • glowing charcoal 闪光的木炭
  • wood smoke 木头的烟
  • roast /r??st/ v. 烘,烤
  • blast /blɑ?st/ v. 爆炸
  • crisp /kr?sp/ adj. 酥脆的

2. What kind of food do you like to eat for barbecue?

My favourite barbecue is the lamb or mutton skewers heavily spiced with cumin. It’s a typical cooking way from Xinjiang. Besides, I also prefer completely vegetarian skewers consisting of ingredients such as tofu, aubergine and mushrooms.


  • skewer /?skju??(r)/ n. 扦子;烤串儿
  • heavily spiced with 配上重咀嚼的调料
  • cumin /?kju?m?n/ n. 土茴香(相似孜然的调料)
  • vegetarian /?ved???te?ri?n/ n. 素食者
  • ingredient /?n?ɡri?di?nt/ n. 质料;因素
  • aubergine /???b??i?n/ n. 茄子

3. Would you like to have barbecue with your family or your friends?

Definitely yes. Barbecue is the most delighting way to enjoy the big get-togethers with the family. I can’t stop smiling when thinking of the scene that some members are charged of preparing the ingredients, some doing the grill while others enjoy the drinking and food. One more thing, outdoor barbecues outweigh the indoor ones!


  • delight /d??la?t/ v. 使欢乐,使开心
  • get-together n. 聚会会议
  • be charged of 由……卖力
  • grill /ɡr?l/ n. 烤架
  • one more thing 另有一件事
  • outweigh /?a?t?we?/ v. (在紧张性上)凌驾

4. Did you have barbecue when you were a child?

Yes. My father once bought an electronic oven for barbecue, and my mother usually prepared us some pork, beef and shrimps for grilling on Sundays. In order to replicate the way how Korean people make barbecue, my mum even got the recipe of Korean sauces which always turned out to be extremely successful to arouse our appetite and fulfill the hunger.


  • shrimp /?r?mp/ n. 小虾
  • grill /ɡr?l/ v. 烤
  • replicate /?repl?ke?t/ v. 复制
  • recipe /?res?pi/ n. 菜谱
  • arouse one's appetite 激起或人的食欲

