further(中学英语同义词辨析139讲farther, further)

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中学英语同义词辨析139讲farther, further

139、farther, further


farther “更远”。寻常指距离,并且总显得实践。

further “愈加、进一步”。即可表现距离还可表现水平,并且总显得笼统。

比如:The factory is on the farther side of the mountain.工场在山的那一边。

I can throw the ball farther than you can. 我掷球比你更远。

If he goes farther, he will get to the end of the forest.他再往前走,就可以走完这片丛林。

No further discussion is needed. 不必要更多的讨论了。

Let's consider this point further. 让我们更深上天思索这一点吧。

The office will be closed until further notice.办公室将关闭到另行告示为止。

