recognize(recognize for)

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Lesson 121 The man in a hat 戴帽子的男士
Listen to the tape then answer this question. Why didn't Caroline recognize the customer straight away?




CUSTOMER: I bought two expensive dictionaries here half and hour ago, but I forgot
to take them with me.
MANAGER: Who served you, sir?
CUSTOMER: The lady who is standing behind the counter.
MANAGER: Which books did you buy?
CUSTOMER: The books which are on the counter.
MANAGER: Did you serve this gentleman half an hour ago, Caroline?
He says he's the man who bought these books.
CUSTOMER: I can't remember. The man who I served was wearing a hat.
MANAGER: Have you got a hat, sir?
CUSTOMER: Yes, I have.
MANAGER: Would you put it on, please?
CUSTOMER: All right.
MANAGER: Is this the man that you served, Caroline?
CUSTOMER: Yes. I recognize him now.

CUSTOMER: I bought two expensive dictionaries here half and hour ago, but I forgot to take them with me.

顾 客:半小时以前我在这里买了两本很贵的辞典,但是我忘了拿走。

MANAGER: Who served you, sir?

经 理:是谁接待您的,先生?

CUSTOMER: The lady who is standing behind the counter.

顾 客:站在柜台后面的那位女士。

MANAGER: Which books did you buy?

经 理:您买的是两本什么书?、

CUSTOMER: The books which are on the counter.

顾 客:就是柜台上的那两本。

MANAGER: Did you serve this gentleman half an hour ago, Caroline? He says he's the man who bought these books.

经 理:卡罗琳,半小时前你接待过这位先生 吗?他说他就是买这两本书的人。

CUSTOMER: I can't remember. The man who I served was wearing a hat.

卡罗琳:我记不起来了。我接待的那个人戴着 一顶帽子。

MANAGER: Have you got a hat, sir?

经 理:先生,您有帽子吗?

CUSTOMER: Yes, I have.

顾 客:有的,我有帽子。

MANAGER: Would you put it on, please?

经 理:请您把帽子戴上好吗?

CUSTOMER: All right.

顾 客:好吧。

MANAGER: Is this the man that you served, Caroline?

经 理:卡罗琳, 这就是你接待过的那个人吗?

CUSTOMER: Yes. I recognize him now.


【New Word and expressions 生词和短语】

customer n. 顾客

forget (forgot, forgotten) v. 忘记

manager n. 经理

serve v. 照应,服务,接待

counter n. 柜台

recognize v. 认出



1 连接主句和从句

2 在从句中从句子成分,作主语时不能省略,作宾语时可以省略。


who, whom, whose, which, that


先行词是人 + who + 动词

The man is Mr.White.

The man has white hair.

The man who has white hair is Mr.White.


先行词是人,whose + 名词

I have a friend.

His father is a teacher.

I have a friend whose father is a teacher.


先行词是人,whom + 及物动词/不及物动词 + 介词


The man is my uncle.

We met the man.

The man we met is my uncle.

The man whom we met is my uncle.


I have a sister.

She lives in Paris.

I have a sister who lives in Paris.

which 是指人以外的生命或没有生命的东西。

先行词(物) + which + 动词

He likes the house.

The house has a lot of windows.

He likes the house which has a lot of/many windows.

The books are on the desk.

The books are mine.

The books are on the counter.

The books which are on the counter are mine.
