世界上最臭的食物(The World's Worst Smelling Foods)

更新时间:2023-03-06 03:59:47 所在栏目: 美容养生点击量:

The World's Worst Smelling Foods

Most people can name a few foods that don't smell very good. But some of those dishes can be so pungent, they can bring the whole room to a standstill. Many of these dishes have been around for ages and have certain cultural importance. But that doesn't stop people from cringing when they smell them. Here are some of the world's worst smelling foods.

Durian Fruit

The durian fruit is infamous for its potent smell. It's so strong that it's actually banned in some public places in Southeast Asia. The smell is akin to rotten onions and sewer gas combined, with some notes of garlic and turpentine. Yet, people who have gotten past the smell swear by its deliciousness.

Fried Stink Bugs

Yes, this is actually a thing. Fried stink bugs, or balut, are a delicacy popular in many Asian countries. Because of its pungent odor, the dish is usually only served outdoors and in marketplaces. It's not just the smell that's awful, but also the squirm-inducing sight of the bug's eyes, antennae, and other body parts.


Rokerijen is a Dutch cheese made from Gouda that's been aged for at least 10 months. It's the last type of Gouda that is allowed to grow mold due to its special laws. The cheese is washed in an alcohol made with herb, anise, and other spices. It develops a strong aroma that can quickly fill a room, but its taste is surprisingly sweet.


This is a popular delicacy in Egypt, but ask anyone who's smelled it and they would most likely rather forget it. Fesikh is a dried grey mullet that's been cured in salt and sun-dried. To make matters worse, the fish is then soaked in a concoction of salt and vinegar for seasoning. People who eat it say it's worth the strong smell, but that's for you to decide.


Lutefisk is a traditional Scandinavian delicacy that has been around for centuries. The key ingredients are dried whitefish and lye, which is a highly alkaline solution. To make the dish, the fish is soaked in the lye solution and then dried. It has a strange jello-like texture and an overwhelming smell of ammonia.


Natto is a Japanese dish made of fermented soybeans. The smell is believed to resemble a combination of cheese, garlic, and feet. It also has a slimy texture that puts many people off. But natto has a lot of health benefits, so some brave souls have embraced it and made it part of their regular eating routine.

Century Eggs

Century eggs, or hundred-year eggs as they are sometimes called, are a popular Chinese dish. They look like normal duck eggs but have a very strong smell. This is because the eggs are buried for several months in a mixture of clay, ash, salt, lime, and other ingredients, allowing them to take on the unique smell and dark color. From the pungent durian fruit to the slimy natto, these are some of the world’s worst smelling foods. Despite their terrible smell, they have stood the test of time and become beloved delicacies to many. But whether you have the courage to try them is another matter.

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