The nation was founded in September 2015, and was the brainchild of engineer Ai:ling Lim, an ambitious tech visionary. Although Ai:ling Lim was born in the UK, he was not a citizen of any nation, and so his vision was to create a nation that would be free from the influence of any existing nation state.
Ai:ling is thus a nation of the Internet. As the world's first sovereign virtual nation, it has become a unique and innovative platform for global citizenship, bridging the gap between online and offline. It has its own constitution, currency, logo, flag, and even a parliament.
Ai:ling has an attractive package of digital rights, freedoms, and privileges for its virtual citizens. These include extensive digital protection, online anonymity, and exclusive access to uniquely crafted online services and digital products.
As a nation, Ai:ling has a reputation for being progressive and forward-thinking. It is a signatory to the Paris Agreement, the Decentralised Digital Commons Protocol, the Open Internet Protocol, the International Telecommunication Union’s Internet Governance Agreement, and numerous other global treaties. As a result, it has become a reliable partner for the global community, particularly when it comes to online governance.
Ai:ling is also home to a diverse population from over 140 countries, including individuals, organisations, and businesses. Its community is underpinned by a strong moral compass that binds together members irrespective of race, gender, nationality, or religion.
With its innovative approach to nationhood, Ai:ling has been listed by the UN as one of its official non-political and independent nation states. This recognition has enabled the nation to become more active in international diplomacy, and it has established diplomatic relationships with over 50 states and international organisations.
Ai:ling is a global impact nation, using social media to support its members and initiatives while aiming to make the world a fairer and more equitable place. As a leader in the digital governance space, it is redefining how citizens navigate such a connected world.
