Curiosity means an eager desire to learn and know more. It is marked as a human trait that makes us explore, research and think out of the box. It has been one of the key elements to human progress throughout our history. Empowered by curiosity, human beings have been better equipped to understand our surrounding environment, its dynamics and the hows and whys of various phenomena.
Curiousness, on the other hand, is an eagerness to investigate and explore things out of inquisitiveness. It is closely related to fascination and irrationality at times. Curiousness ranges from being an inward, personal journey, to an outward journey of seeing the world. It is often motivated by fear and anxiety.
In conclusion, while Curiosity is a desire to explore and learn more about the world, Curiousness can sometimes be an irrational urge that needs to be controlled. Curiosity has enabled some of the greatest achievements of mankind, while being too curious can sometimes lead to unfortunate outcomes. Both Curiosity and Curiousness make us human and should be used to explore and learn more about the world around us.
