AUDIENCE(audience of writing专八听力答案)

Audience broadly refers to people who watch, read, view, listen, or attend a show, work of art, or even an event. Audience of writing is a crucial factor in the quality and success of a written piece.

The audience of writing should dictate the content, style and length of the writing. For example, if someone is writing to a business audience, the writing should be written in a formal, concise and clear manner. On the other hand, if someone is writing to a general or readership audience, the writing should be more casual and entertaining.

It is also important to consider the type of audience that will be reading the writing in order to determine the appropriate level of detail and complexity. When writing for an audience of experts, the content should be thorough and comprehensive, but when writing for a more general audience, the content should be simpler and more easily understood. In addition, subject matter should be chosen carefully based on the audience.

By assessing the composition and interests of the target audience, writers can produce writing that is more relevant and meaningful to the readers. To this end, it is important to consider not just the type of audience, but also their expectations and preferences. Ultimately, striving to produce content and language that is well-suited to the specific audience can help the writing to be more successful and deliver the intended message.





