

1. 当报告局部含有以下这些含有否定意义的词时:few, little, seldom,hardly, never, not, no, no one, nobody,nothing, none, neither等,其反意疑问句需用一定布局。比如:

He is never late for school, is he? 他上学从不迟到,是吗?

2. 祈使句。祈使句后寻常加上will you或won'tyou构成反意疑问句,用will you 多表现“哀求”,用won't you 多表现提示对方注意。比如:Look at the blackboard, will you/ won't you? Let引导的祈使句有两种情况:

(1)Let's...,后的反意疑问句用 shall we比如:Let'sgo home, shall we ? 回家吧,好吗?

(2)Let us/me...后的反意疑问句用will you比如:Letme have a try, will you ?

3. 报告局部的主语是everything, nothing, anything或something 时,反意疑问句的主语使用代词it。比如:Something is wrong with my radio,isn't it? 我的收音机出弊端了,是吧?

4. 报告局部的主语是 everybody, everyone, anybody, anyone,somebody, someone, nobody,

no one, none, neither 时, 其反意疑问句的主语需用单数代词they。比如:

Everyone is here, aren't they? 各位都到了,是吗?

No one knows about it, do they? 没有人晓得这件事,对吗?

5. 叹息句。叹息句后加反意疑问句时,其反意疑问句需用be的寻常如今时态的否定情势。比如:What fine weather, isn't it? 多好的天气啊,是吧?

6. 报告局部主、谓语是I am...时,反意疑问句用aren't I, 比如:I'm working now, aren’t I?

7. 当报告局部所含的形貌词是经过加前缀或后缀构成的,不克不及视为否定词。比如:

①Itis unfair, isn't it? ②She is unhappy, isn’t she ?

8. 当报告局部主语是从句、不定式(短语)、动词-ing情势时,反意疑问句的主语应该用it。比如:What you need is more important,isn't it?你必要的东西更紧张,是吧?

9. 当报告局部含I think (believe, suppose...)that... 布局时,其反意疑问句须与从句的主、谓语坚持一律,比如:I don't think he will come, willhe? 我以为他不会来,对吗?

10. 报告局部有have to 时,其反意疑问句要用助动词的否定情势。比如:

You have to water the vegetables every day, don't you?你天天都要浇菜,对吧?

11. 报告局部有had better时,反意疑问句中要用hadn't。比如:

We had better go to school at once, hadn't we? 我们如今最好立刻去上学,好吗?

12. 当报告局部含有模样形状动词must时,我们便要分析一下must的寄义。假如must 作“必需”讲,反意疑问句须用needn't;而当must作推测意义“一定是;一定”讲时,反意疑问句则需依据must后的动词本相选用相应的情势。比如:

He must work hard at physics, needn’t he? 他必需积极学物理,是吧?

Tom must be at home,isn't he? 汤姆一定在家,是吧?


1. Threehours ought to be enough time, ______?

a. oughtn’t threehours

b. didn’t they

c. shouldn’tit

d. shouldn’t three hours

2. They have to study a lot, ______?

a. don’t they b.haven’t they

c. did they d. hadn’t they

3. I'm sure dirty, ______?

a. am I b.isn’t I

c. aren’t I d. am not I

4. I don’t think you judged your ability , ______ you?

a. do b.did

c. don’t d. didn’t

5.He has his hair cut every month, ______?

a. has he b. hasn’the

c. does he d. doesn’t he

6.Your friend needs to come earlier, ______?

a.does he b. doesn’t he

c. needhe d. needn’t he

7.The little boy dare not go to church, ______?

a. dare he b.daren’t he

c. does he d. doesn’t he

8. Everyone’s having a good time, ______?

a. is he b. isn’teveryone

c. does he d. aren’t they

9.Tell me how to operate the electronic computer, ______?

a. will you b.shan’t you

c. do you d. don’t you

10. Let’s listen to the radio program that the teacher mentioned, ______?

a. do we b. don’t we

c. shall we d.shan’t we

11.Janet used to take part in labor in that village, ______?

a. used she b. didshe

c. didn’t she d. should she

12.What beautiful weather, ______?

a. is it b. isn’t it

c. won’t it d. doesn’t it

13. We never dared to ask him a question, ______?

a. did we b. didn’twe

c. dared we d. daren’t we

14. Nobody will believe how difficult his work has been ______?

a. will he b. won’tnobody

c. will they d. won’t they

15.Learning how to repair computers takes a long time, ______?

a. isn’t it b. aren’tthey

c. doesn’t it d. don’t they

16.Jack has coffee with breakfast, ______?

a. hasn’t Jack b.hasn’t he

c. doesn’t Jack d. doesn’t he

17.There isn’t anything wrong with the radio, ______?

a. is there b. isit

c. does it d. does there

18.You must be hungry, ______?

a. must you b.mustn’t you

c. are you d. aren’t you

19. He has never ridden a horse before, ___?

A. does he B. has he

C. hasn’t he D.doesn’t he

20. — He seldom came here, _____? — Yes sir.

A. didn’t he B. does he

C. doesn’t he D. did he

21. Everything seems all right, _____ ?

A. does it B. don’t they

C. won’t it D. doesn’t it

22. No one failed in the exam, _____ ?

A. was he B. did one

C. did they D.didn’t he 9. I’m a little

23. Neither you nor I am a artist, _____ ?

A. am I B.aren’t we

C. are we D. ain’t I

24. He can’t be her father, _____ he?

A. is B. isn’t

C. can D. can’t


1.C 2. A 3.C 4.B 5. D

6.B 7.A 8.D 9 A 10.C

11.C 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.C

16.D 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.D

21.D 22.C 23.C 24 A




上一篇:临安天气预报(1℃→22℃!气温“过山车”启动,周末又要开始下雨了 杭州未来一周天气预报)