
Circles 圈子


By Sam

A child drawing a circle may unconsciously know that some day he may jump into it and later he does. It is strange that the earth is round and the orbit along which it moves round the sun is a circle. We dont know if the solar system moves round a circle but most probably it does. This divine design has a subtle effect on the smartest creature on earth, the human being. Human societies are circles. Everyone lives in circles. Some circles are within other circles. There is no escape.


You have no much freedom in a circle. You are conditioned to it. Keep your body in a circle and keep your mind out of it. After work you jump out of this circle and into another circle which may be your own family, your friends, some kind of club or extramarital partner. There is no frontier or deep forest for a recluse to live long enough without being starved to death. Even a recluse cannot escape from his circle. He is only in a circle of a larger kind. There are thorns in a circle which may hurt you if you are too careless. Some circles are not very comfortable to be in.


A master can jump in or out of a circle freely without much difficulty. But seldom does anyone realize that when he jumped out of circle, he will fall into another. He has to. Otherwise he cannot live. Sometimes the wall of the circle is high, and sometimes it is low. In addition, the level of the ground in a circle is not always in parallel with that outside. Sometimes when you are outside the circle, you feel that the wall is high. But when you jump into the circle with much difficulty, you feel disappointed for its shallow ground. Sometimes the wall is low for you but once you jump in you suddenly realize that it takes you quite some time to land, and because you underestimate its depth, it is very likely that you hurt your ankle. The longer you stay in it, the higher the wall will become, and the nearer you get to its center, the farther away you are from its wall. Consequently it is more difficult to jump out. But the older you get, the more likely you are forced to the edge of the circle. When you retire, you are out. You are out of most of the circles. Only one circle is left for you, the circle of your life which you never realize you are in before retirement and you are already at the edge of it. But when you are out of this last circle you jump into another large circle, the universe. There is no escape.

What you can do with a circle is to cope with it, obey its rules and try to get the most out of it.







