
Magnet-A Mysterious Force of NatureFrom ancient times, mankind has found itself awed in the face of mysterious forces at play in the natural world. One such example of this is magnetism, the invisible force that causes two objects to attract or repel each other.Magnetism has been both admired and feared since its discovery. Magnetic fields were described as far back as the 5th century BC, by ancient Greek philosopher Thales of Miletus, who saw them as having healing properties. Ancient Chinese civilizations also recognized the mysterious power of magnetism, using it to make guiding compasses.Smartphones, MRI machines and electric motors would be nowhere without the power of magnetism. Magnetic forces are responsible for keeping blood flowing in veins, motors revving in cars and power lines humming. The mysterious force has enabled us to explore the depths of the oceans, probe the Earth’s magnetic fields and send astronauts to the moon and beyond.Due to its ability to interact with a range of materials, magnetism has played a valuable role in modern technology. Magnets are used in hard drives, which store data, and magnetic sensors, which can detect movement, temperature and pressure. It has become a key component of commercial shipping and transportation, as railroads, metro systems and trams use electric propulsion powered by magnets. Without reliable magnetic fields, modern life simply wouldn’t be possible.Though its power is immense, magnetism is also difficult to control and predict. Since it works on a “push” and “pull” basis, even subtle changes can have dramatic effects. Researchers have for decades been struggling to understand the full extent of its strength, and its ability to act on other particles and items at a distance.Despite our best efforts though, the mysterious power of magnetism continues to elude us in many ways. As with so many other phenomena in nature, it is likely that its wonders will continue to astound us as we strive to discover more.





