
SixtySixty is an age that ought to be celebrated, for it presupposes a long, thought-out and well-travelled journey. At this age, one is expected to have gained plenty of life experience, to have nurtured relationships and forged bonds that will last a lifetime. One is also assumed to have worked hard, persevered and achieved goals, both personally and professionally.At age sixty, one’s life truly begins to take on a special significance as the individual is able to look back, evaluate and take stock of the success achieved, the challenges faced and the milestones set in his/her life. For some, the assessment may lead to a feeling of uneasiness that perhaps more could have been achieved. That more could have been done to expand their horizons and that more money could have been made. For others though, the assessment may leave them with a refreshing sense of satisfaction and pleasure in what has been achieved and the knowledge that there is still exceptional vitality and potential to do more.At age sixty there is a calmness and a quiet acceptance of one’s life’s journey and its many ups and downs. There is a realisation that, ultimately, life is what you make it and that success is, in many cases, defined by contentment and this feeling of reassurance brings about a newfound sense of purpose and clarity.This is why, at age sixty, it really is time to celebrate. This is why it is so important to celebrate not only one’s own milestones, but also those of family members, friends and loved ones. These celebrations may not be lavish, or deceptively materialistic, but should be meaningful, thoughtful and heartfelt. At age sixty, it really is possible to contort thoughts of inadequacy and self-doubt, into more positive notions of accomplished existence and fulfilment.At age sixty, finally, one is able to take the time to reflect on years gone by, to remember and appreciate the memories made and to find comfort in the thought that ‘time’ can, in fact, heal all. Celebrate age sixty; a milestone of accomplishment and insight. Savor the sweet taste of success and savour the journey ahead. This is the time to now enjoy life to the fullest and to live it to its fullest potential.





