
It's Sunday today. I've finished all my homework. I don't have any spare time. I must read a book.

Looking through the crowded bookshelves, I finally found a good book, "Harry Potter and the magic stone". The author of the book is the British woman writer J.K Rowling. This book is the one year old Harry lost parents, foster uncle aunt. Harry in the home of Uncle suffered bullying, as well as their "Dudley -- a fiend in human shape a fat," spoiled, bullying big man, but also on the cuff and kick Harry. Harry's room is in a dark narrow cupboard, since ten years, Harry spent all day in there. No one has ever had a birthday for Harry for ten years. However, in Harry's eleven birthday that day, everything changed, the owl messenger brought a mysterious letter, invited him to a meeting he felt forever unforgettable and unbelievable place: Hogwarts School of magic. At Hogwarts, Harry not only found friends, learned to fly in the air, riding a model for the nimbus 2000 broom hit Earth Quebec and win the game, but also get a cloak. He found everything there, from class to meal to sleep, full of magic. But a magic stone appeared, and he was closely related to the fate of Harry...

Read this book, I want to make an extraordinary life, eager to dream round outstanding figures. The strength of friendship, the battle between justice and evil, and the courage to fight against fate are all thrilling in the book. Do you want to know what's going on? Turn over the book and see it carefully.

Setting:Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is where Harry Potter and his friends learned about magic.

Main Characters:Harry Potter is an 11 year old boy who’s parents died, and he goes to Hogwarts.

Ron Weasley is an 11 year old boy who has 5 brothers and 1 sister, and he goes to Hogwarts.

Hermione is a 10 year old girl who likes learn a lots , and she goes to Hogwarts.

Quirrell is Hogwarts’s teacher,Voldemort’s helper.

Voldemort is an evil guy of the magic world.

Climax:Harry never thought Quirrell was helping Voldemort. Quirrel cought Harry and let him to get the Philospher’s stone, but when Harry got it, he didn’t give it to Quirrell, and Voldemort came out,from the back of Quirrell’s head!And Voldemort orderd Quirrell to catch Harry and get the stone, but when Quirrell touched Harry, his body dissolved,and then he died.

Conclusion:Harry defeated Voldemort, and the year has finished,it’s time for the school cup,Gryffindor was in last , but 4 more things let them win!

First is for Ron, because he play the best game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years,he got 50 points.Second is for Her mione,for the use of cool logic in the face fire,she got 50 points.Third is for Harry, who defeated Voldemort, get the stone, he got 60 points for that!Last, for Neville,he got 10 points for his moxie,and Gryffindor won!



Harry Porter was born with and Voldemort (demon head, killed Harry"s parentsare called mystery man) sign -- to fight a lightning shaped scar. It is a verypowerful spell marks, Harry is her mother lives with love and keep Harry, scar ispain which marks. After his parents died, he was uncle adoption. In my childhood,cousin Dudley always fight with big bully him, then boil for 11 years. In his 11 years old birthday that day, something extraordinary things, changed his destiny.Hagrid (the Hogg Watts Magic School keeper of the keys, the gamekeeper) sent a letter to his magic school admission letter, tell the story of his life. He was very happy to learn, know the world wizard Diagon Alley and a series of things. Healso made two good friends in school, is a clumsy and stupid Ron, another isexcellent in character and learning of Hermione. They work together to protect the stone, tenacious struggle with Voldemort, and ultimately destroyedVoldemort"s dream, but also saved the. Gustave Flaubert once said: the tragic fate of the complaint, the more painful the more; want to escape, the more feel fear, as well to face it, against it, overcome it, so all the pain and bowing knees,made brilliant flowers blooming in the hard work of land. Such is Harry Porter, hefaced difficulties do not bow their heads, but raised his head and face it bravely,conquer it. No straight roads, however, bending, have b, as streams of block, rough, have a song! Our road is not flat, is the ups and downs, bumpy, but we can not bow to difficulties, to learn from Harry Potter, do an honest, justice,courage to face difficulties, despised people in difficulties! Victory always you can"t outrun.


Harry Porter was born with and Voldemort (demon head, killed Harry"s parentsare called mystery man) sign ——to fight a lightning shaped scar. It is a verypowerful spell marks, Harry is her mother lives with love and keep Harry, scar ispain which marks.

After his parents died, he was uncle adoption. In my childhood,cousin Dudley always fight with big bully him, then boil for 11 years. In his 11 years old birthday that day, something extraordinary things, changed his destiny.Hagrid (the Hogg Watts Magic School keeper of the keys, the gamekeeper) sent a letter to his magic school admission letter, tell the story of his life.

He was very happy to learn, know the world wizard Diagon Alley and a series of things. Healso made two good friends in school, is a clumsy and stupid Ron, another isexcellent in character and learning of Hermione. They work together to protect the stone, tenacious struggle with Voldemort, and ultimately destroyedVoldemort"s dream, but also saved the. Gustave Flaubert once said: the tragic fate of the complaint, the more painful the more; want to escape, the more feel fear, as well to face it, against it, overcome it, so all the pain and bowing knees,made brilliant flowers blooming in the hard work of land. Such is Harry Porter, hefaced difficulties do not bow their heads, but raised his head and face it bravely,conquer it.

No straight roads, however, bending, have b, as streams of block, rough, have a song! Our road is not flat, is the ups and downs, bumpy, but we can not bow to difficulties, to learn from Harry Potter, do an honest, justice,courage to face difficulties, despised people in difficulties! Victory always you can"t outrun.


"Harry Potter" this film, we can not think of the author, can not become a fact of the matter. "Harry Potter" for the main character, a shaman, the wizard, ghosts, monsters, dragons and evil, justice. From the film, friends can reflect on the friendship, respect for teachers, in the face of difficulties and evil never flinched in the face of the spirit of courage. With these, they ha一ve time and again to escape the difficulties. "Harry Potter" these books with him on his two best friends in school Huogewoci magic in the story. Where records of their fighting together, sharing happiness together, with little Didi Fenyou disturbed things. Everything is so magical! In that magical world of the shaman lived, there are fewer old. When the messenger owl. Cups, hats, are believed to be his opening remarks. Flying broom is their means of transport, and more can be compared to the birds and the sky, and Qizhao Ta can quickly fly in less than a few minutes you can reach the place you want to visit. Chess masters will follow the case, the owner let it go it will go. Order - G, their will to move. Portraits, the people are living, they can talk, you can jump out of their Xiangkuang to other Xiangkuang Lane. There are many castles in the ghost, they can walk, you can talk to the moving castle in anything, you can penetrate any object, and sometimes engage in mischief (Pippi ghosts)。 There are so many wonderful! No wonder our small magician Harry Potter magic will be popular throughout the world. I admire the most is Harry Potter and his partners, and the difficulties they face the evil spirit never flinched I always memorable. They always had a conviction: "We must overcome all, defeat evil, and we learn, understand and know the magic and common sense to defeat our enemies, as long as we work together, we can overcome evil, justice will never defeat evil." With this conviction, they will win, because evil always Doubu Guo justice.




