“Into”和“in to”傻傻分不清晰?
prep. 到…里;深化…之中;成为…情况;进入到…之内
The word into is a preposition that expresses movement of something toward or into something else.into是一个介词,表现某物向另一物挪动。
In toIn to, on the other hand, is the adverb in followed by the preposition to. They aren't really related and only happen to fall next to each other based on sentence construction. In to,另一方面,是副词in后边随着一个介词to。它们之间但是没有任何接洽,只是句子布局必要让他俩挨到一同了。
“Into” usually answers the question “where?” while “in to” is generally short for “in order to.” So look at your sentence and replace “into” or “in to” with “where?” If the second half of your sentence answers it, use “into.” If it doesn’t, replace “where” with “in order to.” If that works, use “in to.”
“Into”通常回复成绩“where?“,但是”in to“通常是”in order to“的缩写。以是,你可以看着你的句子,把“in to”或“in to”交换成“where”,假如句子的后半局部恰好能回复这个成绩,请使用“into”。不然,请将“where”交换为“in order to”。假如句子意思通畅,就是用“in to”。
The tooth fairy put my daughter’s tooth into her pocket.
The tooth fairy put my daughter’s tooth where? Ah—into her pocket.
The tooth fairy came in to collect my daughter’s tooth.
The tooth fairy came where? -collect my daughter’s tooth? Hmm … that doesn’t work.
The tooth fairy came in order to collect my daughter’s tooth.