「词义辨析」crawl, creep, climb, scramble 的用法与区别
英语单词crawl, creep, climb和scramble都有“爬/匍匐”的意思,但要区分并准确使用它们,有必要了解一下它们各自的用法和引申词义。渴望以下细致的表明和充足的举例,能有助于你的了解和使用。
creep [kri?p] vi. (crept, crept)& n.
- 匍匐,指无足生物的匍匐,也指人或四足生物匍匐匍匐:Lizards and snakes crept over the ground. 蜥蜴和蛇爬过地表。
a snail creeping over a forest path
- 寂静地缓慢行进,蹑手蹑脚地挪动:The thief crept along the corridor. 那贼偷偷地在走廊上潜行。
- 蔓生,伸张,指植物的伸张生长:A slight feeling of suspicion crept over me. 我徐徐地产生了一丝疑虑。
The plant creeps.
- 不知不觉产生,徐徐显现:Insecurity might creep in. 不宁静感约莫会寂静而生。Mist crept in again from the sea. 薄雾从海面上弥漫过去。
- 起鸡皮疙瘩,产生不寒而栗的以为:I felt a chill creep over me. 我感受周身发冷。It makes my flesh creep to think of it. 想到它就会让我不寒而栗。
- 奉承巴结,巴结: (creep to sb)
- 作名词,除以上词条对应的词义之外,尚有“厌恶鬼、讨好卖乖的人、奉承巴结的人、马屁精”之意。
- 短语/习语:make one’s flesh creep 使或人起鸡皮疙瘩/不寒而栗:The sight of the snake makes my flesh creep. 一望见蛇, 我就以为不寒而栗。give sb the creeps 吓人;使惊骇;使内心发毛;creep toward 蹑手蹑脚地移向;徐徐移向;creep into 寂静溜进;寂静显现;creep in 缓慢挪动;寂静显现;creep up 缓慢上移;渐渐增长
- 歌词:Because a vision softly creeping… 由于有一种幻觉正向寂静地向我袭来…… (“The Sound Of Silence”) Creepin' thru the streets at night after a fuss and fight… 缓慢地穿过半夜的大街, 身上带着新添的伤痕…… (“Lonely” - Nana)
crawl [kr?:l] vi. & n.
- 爬;(昆虫) 匍匐:There's a spider crawling up your leg. 有只蜘蛛正顺着你的腿往上爬。I felt something crawl up my arm. 我感受有东西顺着我手臂往上爬。
- 匍匐行进, 主要指腹部贴着地表“匍匐”的内在:The injured soldier crawled to safety. 受伤的兵士徐徐爬向宁静的场合。
a crawling soldier
- 冉冉行进,缓慢行进, 重申举措之缓慢:The traffic was crawling along. 交往车辆徐徐而行。The weeks crawled by. 几个星期徐徐地已往了。the traffic crawling at less than 20mph
the traffic crawling at less than 20mph
- 挤满,爬满(人或生物):This place is crawling with police. 这个场合满是警员。
- 阿谀巴结;奉承;巴结;捧臭脚: (crawl to sb, 与creep无分明区别):She's always crawling to the boss. 她对老板总是奉承巴结。
- 作名词,除以上词条对应的词义之外,另有“爬泳、自在泳”之意。
- 短语/习语:be crawling with sth 挤满;爬满;make your skin crawl 使人不寒而栗;让人起鸡皮疙瘩;come/crawl out of the woodwork 忽然出面;纷繁出笼
- 歌词:I’ll crawl the sandy bottom of Puget Sound. 我将匍匐在普捷湾的砂粒海底。(“Hello Seattle”) My place ain’t too far,we can crawl on our knees. 我的家并不太远,我们匍匐前行。(“Happy Hew Year” – Kid Rock) But I'm never gonna make it without you. Do you really wanna see me crawl? 但是假如没有你我却永久都做不到,岂非你真要我祈求你吗?(“Making Love Out Of Nothing At All”)
- 注:(1) creep 可以指有足或无足的生物的“匍匐”,重申寂静或无声无息的举措;而通常仅有有足的生物才crawl。以是,蛇、蜥蜴、蚯蚓、无足蜥蜴等生物的匍匐,寻常用creep (固然这种情况下使用crawl的也多了起来);形貌超冷液体徐徐移出容器用creep;体现一只猫蹑手蹑脚地向猎物爬去用creep。(2) 表现蛇的“匍匐”,另一常用单词是 slither [?sl?e?] vi. 滑行; 蛇行; 匍匐(to slip or slide like a snake):The snake slithered away as we approached. 我们一走近,蛇就爬走了。
the way a baby crawls, creeps and walks
climb [kla?m] vi./vt. & n.
- (用脚或手脚并用地) 攀爬,爬,主要表达“向上”的“攀爬、爬高”内在,如:爬楼梯 climb up the stairs;爬梯子 climb a ladder;爬山 climb a mountain;爬树 climb a tree。
- 上升;增长;提高位置:The dollar has been climbing all week. 整个星期美元不休在增值。He is climbing upwards in the society. 他正爬向表层社会。The plane is climbing higher and higher. 飞机正在越飞越高。
climbing vertically
Natural gas price has been climbing from Jan.
- (费力或笨拙地) 爬,攀爬,比拟于“climb”,其侧重表达“狼狈、匆促、匆忙”攀爬的内在:The children scrambled over the rocks. 孩子们爬过岩石。We scrambled up the sand dunes on our hands and knees. 我们手脚并用地爬上了这座沙丘。
soldiers scrambling over a wall
- 争抢;抢占;争取:The audience scrambled for the exits. 观众竞相朝出口拥去。
- 困难地(或匆促地)完成:He managed to scramble the ball into the net. 他勉力把球捅入了网窝。
- 炒(蛋):scrambled egg 炒蛋
- n. 爬,攀爬; 争抢; 抢占; 争取; 摩托车越野赛