Theory(跟着美剧学口语:I have a theory. It's very frustrating.)
随着美剧学白话:I have a theory. It's very frustrating.
Boys, guys, I'm begging you, sit in your seats. I'm not gonna tell you again. Buckle up!
Buckle up: 系好宁静带,buckle: v. 扣住,扣紧;up: adv. 完全地,彻底地,buckle up, 就是把宁静带彻底扣紧,系好,以免交通不测产生时由于宁静带松脱而形成更大的损伤。
I mean it, so help me, I…
Oh… crap!
I mean it. 我是仔细的,我是说真的,mean: v. 指有明白的目标或意图,不是闹着玩的。
Crap: 活该,可憎,糟糕的意思,这是勒奈特的一句外表禅,之前逛超市碰到从前单位的同事,必需上去伪装交际的时分,勒奈特也低声骂过如此一句 Crap, 用来发泄本人自认倒霉的恶劣心情。
License and registration, please. Ma'am, you know why I pulled you over?
I have a theory.
license: n. 执照,允许证,这里指的是 driver's license, 汽车驾驶执照;
registration: n. 纪录,注册,这里指的是 vehicle registration,车辆注册纪录证,也就是车辆行驶证。
pull over: 靠边泊车,开到路边停靠,pull you over, 就是让你靠边泊车的意思;
theory: n. 实际,原理,在本段,指的是未经证实的意见,看法,推测,I have a theory, 就是我内心有个推测,我晓得怎样回事的意思。好比:
Do you have a theory of what it is? 你有推测那是什么吗?
My theory is it's too early to have a theory. 我的看法是如今就做出推测还为时过早;
What we have right now is a theory, and a theory is worthless. 我们如今有的只是一种推测,而推测是没有效的。
Kids are jumping up and down, they should be sitting, wearing seat belts.
seat belt: 座位宁静带;
jump up and down: 上蹦下跳,喝彩雀跃,此中的 up and down, 是上上下下,交往前往的意思。好比:
Don't jump up and down on the sofa. 别在沙发上跳来跳去;
The car jumps up and down on the bumpy road. 车子上下波动在坎坷的公路上;
The company's share price is jumping up and down sharply on the news. 受消息影响,公司的股价急剧动摇。
Kids are jumping up and down.
wear: v. 穿,戴,佩带,除了 wear a seat belt,系上宁静带,我们常常还会用到的有:
wear clothes: 穿衣服;
wear jewelry:戴珠宝金饰;
wear perfume: 喷香水;
wear a tie: 系领带;
wear glasses: 戴眼镜;
wear wigs: 戴假发,等等。
I yelled at them. They never listen to me, it's very frustrating.
yell at sb: 对或人吼叫,这是一种比力卑鄙无礼的待人办法,好比:
Please don't yell at me. 请不要对我大吼大呼。
frustrating: adj. (某事某物)令人懊丧的,使人懊恼的,充溢挫败感的。
必要注意的是,假如要形貌某一局部感受懊丧,必要用 frustrated,而不是 frustrating。这和 interesting 与 interested, surprising 与 surprised, satisfying 与 satisfied, exciting 与 excited 等的用法属于同一典范。来看几个关于 frustrating 的例句:
You know what? That's what's so frustrating. 你晓得吗?那才是最让人懊丧的场合;
I can't tell you how frustrating it is. 这别提有多悔恨了;
The truth is , it can be a very frustrating experience. 内幕上这是一种十分令人挫败的体验。
It's very frustrating.
Well, you're gonna have to find a way to control them. After all, that's your job.
job: n. 本意指必要给予薪酬的事情,职业,职位,本段指的是责任,职责,that's your job, 意思是那是你的职责地点,是你的老实,属于你的份内事。