


The world is missing its lofty climate targets. Time for some realism



Global warming cannot be limited to 1.5°C


Nov 3rd 2022

lofty /?l?fti/ adj. (思想、目标等)崇高的,高尚的;傲慢的,高傲的;高大的,高耸的,巍峨的

lofty ambitions/ideals/principles 崇高的抱负/理想/原则

realism /?ri??l?z?m/ n. 务实作风,务实精神,现实主义方式,现实主义的态度和行为;(小说、绘画、电影等)现实性,逼真;(艺术或文学风格的)现实主义

warming /?w??m??/ n. 加温,温暖,暖和,变暖

limit /?l?m?t/ v. 限制,限定;限量,减量

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To accept that the world’s average temperature might rise by more than 1.5°C, declared the foreign minister of the Marshall Islands in 2015, would be to sign the “death warrant” of small, low-lying countries such as his. To widespread surprise, the grandees who met in Paris that year, at a climate conference like the one starting in Egypt next week, accepted his argument. They enshrined the goal of limiting global warming to about 1.5°C in the Paris agreement, which sought to co-ordinate national efforts to curb emissions of greenhouse gases.


?minister /?m?n?st?(r)/ n. 部长,大臣;公使,外交使节;牧师

v. 帮助,照料,服侍

the foreign minister 外交部长

the Ministerof Education 教育部长

(Brit) the Minister of Defence

= (US) the Secretary of Defense 国防部长

?warrant /?w?r?nt/ n. 执行令,授权令;


v. 需要,值得;打包票,保证;使有必要,使正当,使恰当

a search warrant 搜查令

?low-lying /?lo??laj??/ adj. 低的,低洼的,与海平面齐平的,近或低于海平面的

?grandee /ɡr?n?di?/ n. 大人物;显贵;(尤指)政要

?enshrine /?n??ra?n/ v. 把…庄严地载入,把(法律、权利等)奉为神圣

?sought是seek 的过去式和过去分词

seek to do sth. 试图,设法

?coordinate /k?????d?ne?t/ v. 协调,调和

?curb /k??b/ v. 控制,抑制,限定,约束(尤指不好的事物);控制,约束(情绪或行为)

n. 起控制(或限制)作用的事物;路缘,路沿,马路牙子

?emission /i?m??n/ n. (光、热、气等的)发出,射出,排放;排放物,散发物

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No one remembered to tell the firing squad, however. The same countries that piously signed the Paris agreement have not cut their emissions enough to meet its targets; in fact global emissions are still growing. The world is already about 1.2°C hotter than it was in pre-industrial times. Given the lasting impact of greenhouse gases already emitted, and the impossibility of stopping emissions overnight, there is no way Earth can now avoid a temperature rise of more than 1.5°C. There is still hope that the overshoot may not be too big, and may be only temporary, but even these consoling possibilities are becoming ever less likely.


?firing squad (对犯人执行枪决的)行刑队

squad /skw?d/ n. (进行某活动的)小组,队;(专门处理某类犯罪的)警察分队,警察小组;(军队的)班;运动(代表)队

the drugs/fraud squad 缉毒队/反诈小组

a rescue squad 救护队

the Olympic/national squad 奥林匹克代表队/国家队

?piously /'pa??sl?/ adv. 虔诚地,笃信地,敬神地

pious /?pa??s/ adj. 虔诚的,虔敬的;道貌岸然的,假装虔诚的,伪善的,假正经的;可望而不可即的,难以实现的

pious sentiments 虚情假意

pious hope/wish 不可能实现的希望,不切实际的希望

?What we need is not manifestos of pious intentions, but real action.


manifesto /?m?n??fest??/ n. 宣言,声明

?pre-industrial /pri:?n'd?str??l/ adj. 工业化前的,未工业化的

?emit /i?m?t/v. 发出,排放,散发(热 、光、气或气味);发出(声音或噪音)

?overnight /???v??na?t/ adv. 突然,一夜之间,旋即;一整夜,在夜间,在晚上

adj. 夜间的;突然的,一下子的

?overshoot /???v???u?t/ v. 超过(原计划);突破(预计费用); 超过,越过(预定地点)

?It would be comfortable allowing inflation to overshoot that level in the aftermath of a downturn.



aftermath /?ɑ?ft?m?θ/ n. 后果,创伤,余波

downturn /?da?nt??n/ n. (商业经济的)衰退,下降,衰退期,低迷时期

?consoling 是 console 的现在分词

console /k?n?s??l/ v. 安慰,抚慰,慰藉

/?k?ns??l/ n. (机器的)操纵台,控制台,仪表板

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The consequences of the world’s failure to curb emissions are catastrophic, and not just for coral atolls in the Pacific. Climate-related disasters are proliferating, from Pakistan, much of which was inundated by this summer’s unusually intense monsoon, to Florida, which in September endured its deadliest hurricane since 1935. Even less lethal distortions of the weather, such as this summer’s extraordinary heatwave in Europe, do enormous economic damage, impeding transport, wrecking infrastructure and sapping productivity.


?catastrophic /?k?t??str?f?k/ adj. 灾难的,悲惨的,灾难性的,毁灭性的

?coral atolls 珊瑚环礁,环状珊瑚岛

coral /?k?r?l/ n. 珊瑚

adj. 珊瑚色的,红色的,粉红的,橘红色

atoll /??t?l/ n. 环礁,环状珊瑚岛

?the Pacific 太平洋

?proliferate /pr??l?f?re?t/ v. 迅速繁殖(或增殖),猛增, 扩散

?Influenza proliferated throughout the country.


?Even before Musk took over, marketers were pulling back on their digital advertising as worries about the economy proliferated.

——《华盛顿邮报》Nov 22, 2022


?inundate /??n?nde?t/ v. 淹没,泛滥;使不胜负荷,使应接不暇

?Rising rivers could inundate low-lying areas.


?We are inundated with nonstop employee meetings from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. every day.

——《纽约时报》May 12, 2022


?intense /?n?tens/ adj. 很大的,十分强烈的,极度的;严肃紧张的,激烈的;集中的;热情的,热切的,激动的;(人)严肃认真的;(目光)有穿透力的,洞悉一切的

?This is an area of intense innovation right now.


?He gazed at me with those intense blue eyes.


?monsoon /?m?n?su?n/ n. (南亚地区的)雨季,雨季的降雨;季风,季节风

?endure /?n?dj??(r)/ v. 忍耐,忍受;持续,持久

?deadliest 是 deadly 的最高级

adj. (可能)致命的,致死的;极有害的,破坏性的;极度的,十足的,彻底的;极精确的,非常有效的,无法防御的;枯燥的,令人厌烦的;为达目的不择手段的,阴险毒辣的,冷酷无情的;(敌人或对手)殊死的,不共戴天的

adv. 极其,非常

?a basketball player with deadly aim


?The two gang leaders are deadly enemies.


?hurricane /?h?r?k?n/ n. 飓风,暴风

?lethal /?li?θl/ adj. 致命的,可致死的;危害极大的,破坏性极大的

?The closure of the factory dealt a lethal blow to the town. (dealt动词deal的过去式和过去分词,在此处意为“给予”)


deal sb/sth a blow

deal a blow to sb/sth 令…震惊;给…以打击;使…受到伤害

?distortion /d??st???n/ n. 失真,变形;歪曲,曲解

?heatwave /?hi?twe?v/ n. 酷热期;热浪

?impede /?m?pi?d/ v. 阻碍,阻止,妨碍

?wreck /rek/ v. 破坏,损坏,毁坏;毁灭,毁掉;使(船舶)失事,使遇难,使下沉

n. 车祸,交通事故;(身体或精神上)受到严重损伤的人;状况非常糟糕的车辆(或建筑物等);失事的船只(或汽车、飞机),损毁的建筑

a car/train wreck 失事汽车/火车

train wreck 完全失败,极为糟糕,混乱失序的局面,灾难式的人生

?I'm in no hurry to start that train wreck.

——怪诞小镇 Gravity Falls


?sap /s?p/ v. 使虚弱,削弱,逐渐破坏;耗尽,用尽(勇气、精力、力量等)

n. (植物的)液,汁;笨蛋,傻瓜

?Those costs sap funding from humbler but more efficient schemes.



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The response to all this should be a dose of realism. Many activists are reluctant to admit that 1.5°C is a lost cause. But failing to do so prolongs the mistakes made in Paris, where the world’s governments adopted a Herculean goal without any plausible plan for reaching it. The delegates gathering in Egypt should be chastened by failure, not lulled by false hope. They need to be more pragmatic, and face up to some hard truths.


?dose /d??s/ n. 一些,一份,一点,一次(经历);(药物等的)一剂,一服;

v. 给…一定量的物质;掺入,添加;给…服一剂药

?Her parents hoped a daily dose of hard work would keep her out of trouble.


?cause /k??z/ n. (支持或为之奋斗的)事业,目标,思想;原因,起因;理由,动机,缘故

lost cause 业已失败的事情,注定要失败的人(或事物),没有希望的人(或事)

?If we have fought for a lost cause, that cause has not been lost through any fault of our own.


?prolong /pr??l??/ v. 延长,延续,拉长,拖长

?Research has found that prolonged social isolation is bad for us, particularly mentally.


?Herculean /?h??.kj??li?.?n/ 艰巨的,费力的;需要决心的

a Herculean task/effort 艰巨的任务/巨大的努力

?plausible /?pl??z?bl/ adj. 有道理的,可信的;(人)貌似可信的,花言巧语的



n. 代表,会议代表;参会人员,会议出席者

v. 授(权),把(工作、权力等)委托(给下级);选派(某人做某事)

?chasten /?t?e?sn/ v. 惩戒,磨炼,教训;使后悔,使愧疚


?Mr Stark’s attempt to put armour round the Earth led to its near destruction; the chastened billionaire subsequently accepted UN oversight.



?lull /l?l/ v. 哄骗,麻痹,使放松警惕;使安静,使昏昏欲睡;(使)减弱,缓和

n. (活动间的)平静时期,间歇

?Grownups took the world for granted. They had let themselves be lulled into the enchanted sleep of their humdrum existence once and for all.



once and for all 彻底地,一劳永逸地;最终地,最后一次

enchanted /?n?t?ɑ?nt?d/ 入迷的,陶醉的,被施魔法的(enchant的过去式和过去分词)

humdrum /?h?mdr?m/ 平凡的,单调乏味的,令人厌烦的

?pragmatic /pr?ɡ?m?t?k/ adj. 务实的,实用的,讲求实效的

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First, cutting emissions will require much more money. Roughly speaking, global investment in clean energy needs to triple from today’s $1trn a year, and be concentrated in developing countries, which generate most of today’s emissions. Solar and wind power can be cheaper to build and run than more polluting types, but grids need to be rebuilt to cope with the intermittency of the sun and the wind. Concessionary lending and aid from rich countries are essential and a moral imperative. However, the sums required are far greater than what might plausibly be squeezed out of Western donors or multilateral organisations such as the World Bank.


?roughly /?r?fli/ adv. 大体上,粗略地,大约;简单地,简陋地;粗糙地,凹凸不平地;粗暴地,粗鲁地

roughly speaking 粗略地说来,大约说来,大体说来,粗略地讲

?triple/?tr?pl/ v. 使变为三倍,使增加两倍;变为三倍,增加两倍

adj. 三部分的,三人的,三组的;三倍的,三重的

a triple alliance 三方同盟

the triple world champion 三连冠世界冠军

?solar /?s??l?(r)/ adj. 太阳的,太阳能的

solar power / heating 太阳能/太阳能加热

?grid /ɡr?d/ n. 电网,(输电线路、天然气管道的)系统网络,输电网,煤气输送网;网格,方格,(地图上的)坐标方格;格栅,格子,栅栏;赛车起跑线

State Grid / National Grid 国家电网

?cope /k??p/ v. 应付,忍受(不愉快的局面);(成功地)处理,应付,对付

n. (圣职人员在特定礼仪中穿的)斗篷式祭衣,大圆衣

?intermittency n. 间歇性,间歇现象,间歇度

?concessionary /k?n?se??n?ri/ adj. (对某类人比如学生、老少或失业人群)优惠的,花费少的,减价的;特许的,让步的

a concessionary fare/ticket 优惠票价/票

?lending /?lend??/ n. 借贷,放款,贷放;出借,出借物

?moral /?m?r?l/ adj. 道德的;道义上的,道德上的;品行端正的,有道德的;能辨别是非的

n. 品行,道德;(由故事、事件引出的)道德训诫,寓意

moral responsibility/duty 道义上的责任/义务

public/private morals 公共/个人道德

?imperative /?m?per?t?v/ n. 必要的事,必须履行的责任,重要紧急的事;[语法]祈使语气,祈使语气动词

adj. 重要紧急的,迫切的,急需处理的;命令式的,强制的;[语法]祈使的

?sum /s?m/ n. 金额,款项;和,总和,总数;全部,一切(尤指数量不大);算术;(数字的)简单计算

?squeeze /skwi?z/ v. 榨取,获取;挤压,捏;(从某物中)榨出,挤出,拧出;(使)挤入;挤过,塞入;严格限制,削减,紧缩(资金);向…勒索(或榨取),逼迫…给

?donor /?d??n?(r)/ n. 捐赠者,捐赠机构;献血者,器官捐献者

?multilateral /?m?lti?l?t?r?l/ adj. 多边的,多国的,多方的

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So the governments of developing countries, especially middle-income ones, will have to work with the rich world to mobilise private investment. On the part of developing countries, that will involve big improvements to the investment climate and an acceptance that they will have to cede some control over energy policy. On the part of donors, it will involve focusing spending on schemes that “crowd in” private capital, such as indemnifying investors against political and regulatory risks, taking equity stakes in private projects and agreeing to absorb the first tranche of losses if things go wrong. They will have to do things they dislike, such as helping the poorest countries shut coal plants. But without give on both sides, the world will bake.


?mobilise /?m??b?la?z/ v. 组织,鼓动,动员;调动,调用

?climate /?kla?m?t/ n. 氛围,形势,局势,状况;气候,气候区

?acceptance /?k?sept?ns/ n. 接纳,赞同;相信,承认;容忍,忍受

?cede /si?d/ v. 放弃,割让,转让

?scheme /ski?m/ n.计划,方案,体系,体制;阴谋,诡计,计谋;组合,布局

v. 搞阴谋,密谋

scheme of things 格局;心中的安排,整体安排,人生的安排

?We realize that we are infinitely small within the scheme of things.


?capital /?k?p?tl/ 资本,资金,启动资金;财富,财产;资方;首都,省会;大写字母;柱头,柱顶;(工商业活动的)中心

adj. 政府所在的,首府的,省会的;重要的;(犯罪)情节严重的,可判处死刑的,大写的

capital assets 资本资产

a capital offence 死罪

?indemnify /?n?demn?fa?/ v. 保障,保护,使免于受罚;保证赔偿,赔偿…的损失,补偿

indemnify against


indemnify from


?regulatory /?reɡj?l?t?ri/ adj. (对工商业)具有监管权的,监管的,管理的

a regulatory agency/ authority / body 监管机构/部门

?equity /?ekw?ti/ n. (公司的)股本,股票,资产净值;普通股;公平,公正

?stake /ste?k/ n. 股本,股份;(在公司、计划等中的)重大利益,重大利害关系;赌注;桩,标桩,篱笆桩

at stake 有风险,成败难料,得失都可能

?tranche /trɑ?n?/ n. (款额或股份的)一份,一部分

?plant /plɑ?nt/ n. 发电厂,工厂;(工业用的)大型机器,设备;植物

?bake /be?k/ v. (变得)灼热,炎热;烘烤,烘焙(面点);(将某物)烤硬

?It's baking outside. 外面热得跟蒸笼似的。

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The second hard truth is that fossil fuels will not be abandoned overnight. Europe is scrambling to build import facilities for natural gas, having lost access to Russian supplies, precisely because it cannot come up with any immediate alternative. For some poorer countries investments in gas, in conjunction with renewables, are still necessary: helping more citizens get life-enhancing electricity is a moral imperative, too.


?scramble /?skr?mbl/ v. 争抢,抢占,争夺;(迅速而吃力地)爬,攀登;艰难地(或仓促地)完成;扰乱(思维);炒(蛋)

scrambled eggs 炒蛋

?precisely /pr??sa?sli/ adv. 恰恰,准确地,恰好地;精确地,细心地,仔细地;正是,确实

?conjunction /k?n?d???k?n/ n. 结合,同时发生;[语法]连词,连接词

in conjunction with 连同,共同,与…一起

?renewables /r??nju??blz/ n. 可再生能源

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The third truth is that because 1.5°C will be missed, greater efforts must be made to adapt to climate change. Adaptation has always been the neglected step-child of climate policy, mistrusted by activists as a distraction from cutting emissions or, worse, an excuse not to make any cuts. But no matter what, the world now faces more floods, droughts, storms and wildfires. For developing countries especially, but also for rich ones, preparing for these calamities is a matter of life and death.


?neglected/n??ɡlekt?d/ adj. 被忽略的,被忽视的,未被重视的

?step-child (stepchild) n. 继子,继女;受到冷落的人(或事物)

?mistrust /?m?s?tr?st/ v./ n. 猜疑,不信任,怀疑

?distraction /d??str?k?n/ n. 干扰,分散注意力的事物,使人分心的事物;娱乐,消遣;心烦意乱

?calamity /k??l?m?ti/ n. 灾难,灾祸

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Fortunately, a lot of adaptation is affordable. It can be as simple as providing farmers with hardier strains of crops and getting cyclone warnings to people in harm’s way. Better still, such measures tend to have additional benefits beyond helping people cope with climate change. This is an area where even modest help from rich countries can have a big impact. Yet they are not coughing up the money they have promised to help the poorest ones adapt. That is unfair: why should poor farmers in Africa, who have done almost nothing to make the climate change, be abandoned to suffer as it does? If the rich world allows global warming to ravage already fragile countries, it will inevitably end up paying a price in food shortages and proliferating refugees.


?hardier 是 hardy/?hɑ?di/ 的比较级

adj. 适应力强的,强壮的,能吃苦耐劳的;耐寒的,能越冬的;坚定不移的,非常忠诚的,顽强的

?strain /stre?n/ n. (动、植物的)系,品系,品种;(疾病的)类型;压力,重负;拉力,张力;劳损,拉伤,扭伤;个性特点,性格倾向,禀性;乐曲,曲调,旋律

?crop /kr?p/ n. 庄稼,作物;(谷物、水果等一季的)收成,产量

?cyclone /?sa?kl??n/ n.气旋,旋风,龙卷风,飓风

?in harm's way 处于危险之中

?tend /tend/ v. 往往会,常常就;趋向,走向,倾向,趋于;照料,照管,护理

?beyond /b??j?nd/ prep. 除…之外,超出;超出…之外,非…所能及;晚于,迟于;在(或向)…较远的一边

adv. 在(或往)更远处,在(或往)另一边

?modest /?m?d?st/ adj. 些许的,不太多的,不太大的;适度的,适中的;谦虚的,谦逊的;(衣着)保守的,庄重的

?cough /k?f/ v. 交出,掏出,供出;未拿住,漏接,失去;咳嗽;咳出

cough up (常指勉强地)支付,给予(钱)

?ravage /?r?v?d?/ v. / n. 毁坏,损坏,严重损害

?Mr. Biden said the next decade will be pivotal, given the ravages of climate disasters that are unfolding now.

——《华盛顿邮报》Nov 11, 2022


?fragile /?fr?d?a?l/ adj. 脆弱的,不牢固的;虚弱的;易碎的,易损的;纤巧的,精致的

?No life is inherently more valuable than another, but certain people’s lives are more fragile. They are not as strong as those in the prime of their lives.

——《华盛顿邮报》Nov 1, 2022


?inevitably /?n?ev?t?bli/ adv. 不可避免地,必然地;意料之中

?refugee /?refju?d?i?/ n. 难民,寻求庇护者,逃亡者

Climate change20221103-10音频:00:0000:42

Finally, having admitted that the planet will grow dangerously hot, policymakers need to consider more radical ways to cool it. Technologies to suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, now in their infancy, need a lot of attention. So does “solar geoengineering”, which blocks out incoming sunlight. Both are mistrusted by climate activists, the first as a false promise, the second as a scary threat. On solar geoengineering people are right to worry. It could well be dangerous and would be very hard to govern. But so will an ever hotter world. The worthies in Egypt need to take that on board.


?radical /?r?d?kl/ adj. 激进的;极端的;根本的,彻底的,完全的;全新的,不同凡响的;顶呱呱的

n. 激进派,激进分子

?suck /s?k/ v. 抽取,吸走;吮,吸,啜;把…卷入,吞没;使感兴趣;糟糕透顶,很差

suck it up 逆来顺受;忍气吞声

?-This is the reality of our situation.

-Reality sucks.




?The cost-of-living crisis was "biting deep" and it was "foolish" to assume workers would "suck it up".

——BBC (Nov 28, 2022)


?infancy /??nf?nsi/ n. 初期,初创期;婴儿期,幼儿期

?geoengineering/?d?i???end?e?ni?r??/ n. 地球工程,地球工程学,地质工程

?block /bl?k/ v. 挡住,堵住,遮住,遮蔽;阻塞,堵塞;封锁,拦住;忘掉,不去想;忽视,不理会

block sth?out 挡住,遮住(光线或声音);忘掉,抹去(不愉快的事)

?incoming /??nk?m??/ adj. 进来的,到来的;正到达某地的,刚收到的;(官员、政府)新当选的,新任的,新来的

the incoming president 新任总统

?govern /?ɡ?vn/ v.管理,治理;统治,控制;影响,支配

?worthy /?w??ei/ n. 要人,大人物,知名人士

adj. 值得的,应得的;值得尊敬的,值得称赞的,值得重视的

?take sth on board 采纳,接纳(主意、建议);理解(问题)

?Some governments have taken this on board.


Overshooting 1.5°C does not doom the planet. But it is a death sentence for some people, ways of life, ecosystems, even countries. To let the moment pass without some hard thinking about how to set the world on a better trajectory would be to sign yet more death warrants.


?doom /du?m/ v. 使注定失败,使遭厄运,使死亡

n. 死亡,毁灭;厄运,劫数

?death sentence 死刑

?trajectory /tr??d?ekt?ri/ n. (事业等的)发展轨迹,起落;(射体在空中的)轨道,轨迹,弹道








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