
At the beginning, I was quite confident that I could pass the national postgraduate entrance examination. I had finished all the review tasks and was fully prepared for the upcoming examination. After a month of tough work, I finally came across my long-awaited test day.

When I entered the examination room, I saw several familiar faces and strangers. Everyone was looking so concentrated, which made me even more nervous. With my heart pounding and hands shaking, I finally filled out the examination paper.

At the moment when the examination ended, all I wanted to do was take a break. Without the burden of the upcoming examination, an inner peace dawned upon me. Time flew like one night and the results were revealed. Suddenly, the smile marched up to my face as I learned that I had passed the exam successfully.

Victory tastes good and relieves me of the excessive pressure from before. In the days leading up to the examination, I had worked my hardest and the rewards were worth it. Although I had encountered some ups and downs during the exam period, I made it and there was nothing I felt greater than that. The surging emotions it brought me could not compare to any other moment.

The experience of passing the national postgraduate entrance examination was truly an unforgettable moment in my life. It allowed me to move forward to achieve bigger goals and find greater successes. I strongly believe that I will be able to reach greater heights with this milestone in my life.





