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TV Sitcoms for Learning English 为英语学习者保举的情形搞笑剧:

Comedic series known as “sitcoms” (like Friends) are easier for beginners:


The episodes are not long, so you canstay focused, despite any problems you may have understanding.


There are usually not a lot of characters, but the ones who are in the show havea lot of dialog. You get the chance to get used to their voices and accents.


The vocabulary is from everyday conversations. It’s more useful to learncommon vocabulary,obviously, as opposed to more specialized jargon.




[United – States – 1994/2004- 10 seasons – Sitcom/Comedy]


Few people don’t know Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Monica, Joey and Phoebe, the famous cast of Friends. The story follows the lives of a group of New Yorkers in their 30s. With 10 unbelievable seasons, the show is full of wit and laughter. It’s perfect for a relaxed evening. You quickly get attached to the 6 people, and I will admit that I felt rather sad when I watched the last episode of the last season.


Language Concerns


This show is ideal to start with because the English is not hard to understand. They use vocabulary that you would use in real-life situations.


How I Met Your Mother


[United-States – 2005/2013 6 seasons – Sitcom/Comedy]


A sitcom that resembles Friends in many ways, this show is a more modern version and has known tremendous success. It follows a group of friends In New York (like Friends) but it’s more frank about relationships, drinking, etc. The actors bring to life their characters who constantly find themselves involved in some situation. Even though I loved Friends, I think this sitcom is a close second.

这部情形搞笑剧在很多方面都和《老友记》很相似,而这部剧更古代,且大获告捷。该剧围绕在纽约的一群伙伴掀开(就和《老友记》一样),但其关于恋爱、饮酒方面却更为直白。演员们将人物归纳得活龙活现、宛如置身其境。只管我十分喜好 《老友记》,我仍这部剧能排的上接近第二了。

Like Friends, the English is not too difficult (although there is a lot of slang). You get plenty of practical vocabulary relevant to socializing. Other sitcoms: There are loads of different sitcoms for every taste. If you don’t like shows like Friends, take a look at this list. I also suggest The Simpsons, The Office, and Modern Family.


Malcolm in the Middle


[United-States – 2000/2006 7 seasons – Sitcom/Comedy]


This series follows a family and a boy who’s IQ is at genius level. It’s quite a silly series with tons of jokes and entertaining plot lines. Malcolm is the main character in the series. He’s known to have a bit of a superiority complex, which is often what gets him into so much trouble. Besides him, there is also the overly-strict mother, immature father and three brothers (and later four) brothers with their own sets of worries and story lines.


Malcolm in the Middle is a casual sitcom with simple story lines. This makes it an ideal show for beginner English learners as it won’t be too hard to understand. On top of this, the hilarious script will have you entertained and coming back for more.

《马尔柯姆的一家》是一个故事变节简便的休闲情形搞笑剧(它不像侦察剧让你看得烧脑)。 这对英语初学者来说是一个抱负的选择,由于它不会太难了解。 最紧张的是,这个欢闹的脚本会给你欢笑,让你不由自主追下去。

The Office


[United States- 2005/2013 – 9 seasons – fake documentary]

【美国-2005/2013 -9季- 假造纪录片/情形搞笑剧】

We are talking about the American sitcom, adapted from the British series of the same name. In both cases (British or American), the story is the same: this sitcom follows the day-to-day life of office workers in a paper company. Steve Carell, who plays the role of narcissistic (and a little silly), tends to steal the show. The sitcom is shot as a fake documentary. A film crew comes to film the office life of this company 24 hours a day. All the employees are aware that they are filmed.

这部剧是由同名英剧改编,无论是美剧照旧英剧,故事主线是一样的:造纸公司去公司族的平常生存。 在头脑十分脱线的地区司理迈克尔(史蒂夫·卡瑞尔 Steve Carell 饰)向导下,一群办公室职员的生存天天充溢乖僻兴趣。这部情形搞笑剧以纪录片的作风拍摄。

The English is quite basic and the premise of the show is very fun. The result: you find yourself easily addicted, and you learn English everyday without realizing it! 201 episodes of 22 minutes each, it makes for hours of learning.

这部剧的英语难度为平常基本,并且情节很幽默。 后果是:你发觉本人很容易上瘾,并且你天天都在无熟悉放学习英语! 统共201集,每集22分钟,是学习英语的好料。

In the Street / That 70’s show


[United States – 1998 /2006 200 episodes – comedy]

【美国-1998/2006 -200集/情形搞笑剧】

The series traces the adventures, or rather the daily life, of a group of young people in the seventies. Love, drugs, friendship, high school years … Are all subjects treated in this amusing and engaging series. All the characters have their own personality, and this is what creates such a dynamic show.

这部剧刻画了美国七十年代一群年轻人的冒险,大概说平常生存。 恋爱、嗑药、交情、高中年代......都在这部幽默又吸引人的剧集里真实反应。一切人物天性悬殊,这也是为什么这部剧气愤勃勃的缘故。《70年代秀》是福克斯广播公司迄今为止最为告捷的情形搞笑剧之一。

Linguistic interest


The series touches on different subjects, which allows you to increase your lexical field in these categories. The series is not really addictive, but can be watched easily, which is a bonus if you are starting out.


Difficulty Understanding ?


If you have trouble understanding shows in English, don’t get discouraged! You may just be lacking vocabulary and oral comprehension practice. You just need to learn more vocabulary, and the best way to do that is to use our spaced-repetition method.




I hope you have been inspired by one of these shows that Luca and myself have used to learn English. There are many others, of course. Don’t hesitate to add in the comments section below your favorite shows to watch for learning!








