
更新时间:2023-05-31 10:12:56 所在栏目: 生活常识点击量:








1. Do you use a wallet?


2. Have you ever lost your wallet?


3. Have you ever sent a wallet to someone as a gift?


4. Do most of your friends use wallets?


这些成绩的发问办法都属于常规典范,必要注意以寻常疑问句开头的成绩起首必要回复YES or NO,也就是给出明白的态度/看法。wallet的成绩也考察时态,以“Have you ever...?”开头的成绩在回复时一定要注意准确使用完成时态和已往时态,语法的准确使用在这些标题中显得更为紧张。




  • wallet=purse=billfold 钱包
  • bifold wallet 两折钱包
  • trifold wallet 三折钱包
  • zippered wallet 带拉链的钱包
  • chain wallet 带链子的钱包
  • long/breast wallet 长型钱包
  • credit card holder 卡包
  • coin purse 零钱包


  • texture /?tekst??(r)/ n. 材质
  • genuine leather 真皮
  • denim /?den?m/ n. 牛仔布
  • fabric /?f?br?k/ n. 布,织物
  • nylon /?na?l?n/ n. 尼龙


  • foldable /?f??ld?bl/ adj. 可折叠的
  • durable /?dj??r?bl/ adj. 耐用的
  • stylish /?sta?l??/ adj. 潮水的
  • high-priced /?ha? ?pra?st/ adj. 昂贵的
  • compact /?k?mp?kt/ adj. 紧凑的
  • practical /?pr?kt?kl/ adj. 实用的
  • bulky /?b?lki/ adj. 大而粗笨的
  • handy /?h?ndi/ adj. 好用的
  • lightweight /?la?twe?t/ adj. 笨重的
  • portable /?p??t?bl/ adj. 便携的
  • be rectangular in shape 外形是正方形的
  • be decorated with 由……装饰
  • be designed to 为……而计划


1. Do you use a wallet?

Frankly, I haven’t carried my wallet for 2 years, since the mobile payment is the mainstream way of paying bills in China. The current society of China is a typical cashless one. Of course, some people still take the wallet for accommodating credit and ID cards, but honestly it is less common among people of my age.


  • mobile payment 挪动付出
  • mainstream /?me?nstri?m/ n. 主流
  • cashless /?k??l?s/ adj. 不必现金的
  • accommodate /??k?m?de?t/ v. 包容,为……提供空间
  • people of one's age 或人的同龄人

2. Have you ever lost your wallet?

Yes. It happened when I was away on a business trip to Shanghai around 3 years ago. I lost my backpack with the wallet inside in a local taxi. And I realised it when I was checking in the hotel. It’s obviously awful and troublesome to lose a wallet which contains so much personal and financial information. Luckily, the taxi driver found my contact through the platform and sent the purse back soon.


  • be away on a business trip 出差
  • backpack /?b?kp?k/ n. 双肩包
  • awful /???fl/ adj. 可骇的
  • troublesome /?tr?bls?m/ adj. 令人懊恼的
  • platform /?pl?tf??m/ n. 平台

3. Have you ever sent a wallet to someone as a gift?

Absolutely yes. Sending a wallet as a gift is a powerful symbol representing wealth and fortune in China. You can consider this as a kind of superstition, but it doesn’t stop people sending wallets as gifts. I’ve sent wallets to several people including my families, colleagues and friends. However, I chose different sizes and textures to suit them better.


  • absolutely /??bs?lu?tli/ adv. 相对地,固然地
  • wealth and fortune 财产和侥幸
  • superstition /?su?p??st??n/ n. 封建
  • colleague /?k?li?ɡ/ n. 同事
  • texture /?tekst??(r)/ n. 材质

4. Do most of your friends use wallets?

No, I don’t think so. It’s also because of the reason I mentioned just now. Cashless payment is prevailing in China, so wallets are no longer a must-have and it is even bizarre if you see a young person paying by cash. Only the senior and a minority of middle-aged people are still used to cash paying.


  • prevail in 盛行,盛行
  • must-have /m?sth?v/ n. 必需品
  • bizarre /b??zɑ?(r)/ adj. 共同的
  • the senior 老年人
  • a minority of ……的一小局部
  • middle-aged people 中年人

