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Overview of the Renaissance






达?芬奇 ( 1452-1519) 因出生于佛罗伦萨郊区的芬奇小镇而得名。他思想深邃,学识渊博,多才多艺,兼艺术大师、科学巨匠、文艺理论家、哲学家、诗人、音乐家、工程师和发明家于一身。达?芬奇最大的成就是绘画,他技术精湛,把艺术创作和科学探索结合起来,创作了许多完美生动的人物形象,充分体现了人文主义精神。他与拉斐尔、米开朗琪罗并称为文艺复兴“美术三杰”。达?芬奇的绘画代表作有《蒙娜丽莎》和《最后的晚餐》等。

莎士比亚( 1564 -1616 )一生创作了30多部戏剧和许多脍炙人口的诗篇。这些作品反映了时代风貌和社会本质,深刻批判了封建道德伦理观念和社会陋习,充分体现了人文主义者的生活理想。《哈姆雷特》《罗密欧与朱丽叶》是他的代表作。

Since the middle of the 14th century, there has been an ideological and cultural movement in Europe. This movement originated in Italy, spread in Europe, and is considered to be the dawn of the capitalist era. This ideological and cultural movement is the Renaissance.

In the middle of the 14th century, in Florence, Venice and other places in Italy, industry and commerce had developed to a certain extent, and capitalism sprouted in some cities. The forming bourgeoisie was dissatisfied with the Holy See's control of the spiritual world, and gradually objected to the church's life attitude of asceticism and the pursuit of going to heaven after death, demanding the establishment of a life philosophy centered on people rather than God; They advocate the development of human personality and the pursuit of enjoying the secular life. This trend of thought, known as humanism, gradually became popular, and the Renaissance Movement rose.

The Renaissance was a new cultural movement against the church's "supremacy of divine power" and advocating humanism, which promoted the liberation of people's minds and lasted for nearly 300 years. This movement took the way of reviving ancient Greek and Roman culture, but it was not a simple "revival" of classical culture, which included inheritance and innovation.

During the Renaissance, many writers, thinkers and artists emerged. They promoted the prosperity of European cultural and ideological fields and laid a cultural foundation for the emergence and development of European capitalist society.

Dante (1265-1321) is a pioneer of the Renaissance. His long poem Divine Comedy is divided into three parts: "hell", "purgatory" and "heaven". The author uses the three worlds of sleepwalking to describe various characters in real life, denounces the greed and corruption of the church, and beats many bishops, monks and even religious emperors into hell, expressing the feelings and ideals of the civil class. Dante, Petrarch and Boccaccio are called the "three literary heroes" of the Renaissance.

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) got his name because he was born in the small town of Vinci in the suburb of Florence. He is a profound, knowledgeable and versatile artist, scientific giant, literary theorist, philosopher, poet, musician, engineer and inventor. Leonardo da Vinci's greatest achievement is painting. He is skilled and combines artistic creation with scientific exploration. He has created many perfect and vivid characters, which fully reflects the spirit of humanism. He, together with Raphael and Michelangelo, was called the "Three Great Artists" of the Renaissance. Da Vinci's representative paintings include Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.

Shakespeare (1564-1616) wrote more than 30 plays and many popular poems in his life. These works reflect the style and features of the times and the nature of society, deeply criticize the feudal moral and ethical concepts and social bad habits, and fully reflect the life ideal of humanists. Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet are his masterpieces.
